Quest Warlock v1.0 (Inspired by Trump)

Class: Warlock - Format: mammoth - Type: control - Season: season-48 - Style: ladder

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So, When it came for how to I could possibly make Warlock a Pretty Powerful Deck using only the Classic and Basic, and the Mammoth Pack, was to see Trump’s Discord Warlock first, which was a few months ago.

He mention on how he had an interest on Deathwing, since it’s such a big Scary Card; Fine It’s a 12/12 that can be stopped by Hex, or Polymorph, but you’ve also gotten a Contiuous about of 2 3/2s on your Side, that it can be enough pressure for the Oppoment to handle.

This is one of the more trickier Decks to pull of, but I really liked his idea.

And, even if you have both Bloodreaver, and Deathwing in your hand, I would still say it isn’t that terrible, since although, yes can say “But you’ll lose you’re whole hand, if you play Deathwing!” and I can understand that, but understanding to where this deck can go; yes you can have some amount of trouble with Aggro or Swarm Decks, but since you have the Quest, and the Catalysm, were you just destory 6 cards for the sake of the Quest; even if by some unkown unlickiness that you’d have to destroy your Bloodreaver, or your Skull, I’d still say that it’s not entirely the end of the world for Quest Discolock.

P.S. Shout outs to Trump for teaching me how this Deck works in it’s favour, even if it doesn’t look as appetizing for other Players, it’s still a pretty cool deck; because the 2 3/2s on EVERY turn for Warlock helps him out Surprisingly well.

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  1. Govid
    March 10, 2018 at 4:06 pm

    I think quest warlock is one of the funniest deck to play, you never know what will happen.