Quest Odd Warrior (September 24) (Season 54)

Class: Warrior - Format: raven - Season: season-54 - Style: ladder

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Yes, back with another meta ‘not-really-meta’ deck. However, instead of the highly underplayed Priest, I’ve returned with a deck for him who survives all, but if needed, smashes you in the face (TINY INSECT!!!)

This is an Odd Warrior deck, yes. Baku the Mooneater‘s upgraded hero power is magnificent. But, no it is not a Control Odd Warrior.

This is a Quest Warrior deck, yes. Fire Plume's Heart‘s explosive 8 damage hero power is satisfying. But, no again, it is not just Quest Warrior.

This is an Odd Quest Warrior.


So why the mix-match? Control Odd Warrior is without a shadow of a doubt one of the better Tier-1/Top Tier-2ish deck, why the need for the quest? Quest Warrior is currently one of the Tier-3/4 deck in the meta.

Well? Simply put, each deck has its own strengths and weakness. The weaknesses of Odd Warrior can not be simply solved by adding 1 or 2 tech cards, it seems so that the entire Win Condition needs to get a Tech of its own — that ‘tech’ is Fire Plume's Heart.

Winning Condition

Control Warrior and Quest Warrior have slightly different ways to win. One wants to outlast the opponent, mostly in fatigue and win the game. On the contrary, Quest Warrior wants to use that juicy 8 damage hero power to SMORC instead (alternatively also can act as board control). So put water and oil together and they won’t mix, don’t they? But these two decks aren’t like heaven and earth or water and oil, despite having different win conditions, they mix really well to formulate multiple successful ways to clinch that oh-so desired victory after that 5-20min game. Certain games are unwinnable for control warrior (Mill Druid/Mecha’thun), but with the quest, things won’t always look so bleak.

Though Fire Plume's Heart is in the deck, you won’t always want to keep it in your starting hand, I’ll explain further below.

But first, let’s touch upon why you should play this deck.

Strengths (Pros)

  1. This deck is ASTONISHING!
  2. This deck is a BLAST to play. (Literally)

Jokes aside, the Fire Plume's Heart and Baku the Mooneater, sometimes even Dr. Boom, Mad Genius can present a variety of ways to be victorious.

Core Cards

Firstly, let’s talk about the Core cards. The core cards are the usual set of every basic control warrior deck.

Baku the MooneaterSupercolliderShield BlockBrawl, Dyn-o-maticShield Slam and Reckless Flurry.

These are all cards meant to counter aggro, control the board and maintain your life total (HP) at an entirely healthy range.

The hero power is used in collaboration with some of the mentioned cards above like Shield Slam. Otherwise, its a very efficient way to build up armor.

Basically, this includes but not limited to:

Controlling the board

Gaining Armor


In these follow match-ups, you would rely mostly on your hero power and these board control to win:


Even Warlock

Odd Rogue

Malygos Rogue/Druid

Token Druid

Face Hunter

Odd Paladin

Secret Hunter

In these match-ups, you’d very much NOT want to keep Fire Plume's Heart as its hero power usually won’t be of much help.

Quest Synergy

In this section, we have Fire Plume's Heart and its fellow companions to help complete the quest.

To be able to be blessed with the power of DIE INSECT!!!, you’ll need to first play 7 taunt minions. This deck has a minimum of 10 taunt minions and potentially even much more with Phantom Militia or Stonehill Defender and Direhorn Hatchling.

Phantom Militia will be one of your MVPs to completing the quest as it can provide up to 3 taunts, which is close to 1/2 of the quest’s requirements.

Stonehill Defender acts similarly.

Direhorn Hatchling is special in the sense that it helps avoid fatigue and also provide an additional taunt if you somehow run out of taunts in the late game to activate your quest.

So the quest is great, but you wouldn’t need it in certain match-ups. Match-ups where stacking armor and gaining life total is more important would not be suitable for the quest.

However, the quest can help turn the tables around in certain match-ups. Combo match-ups especially, decks like Kingbane or Mecha’thun would be close to IMPOSSIBLE to defeat, but the quest can help solve that problem.

In control/combo match-ups, which includes but not limited to:

Mirror Odd Warrior

Control/Big Spell Mage

Control Warlock

Control Priest (NOT to be confused with Mindblast Priest; Otherwise, armor would be more important)

Mill Druid (combo)

Shudderwock Shaman (combo)

OTK Priest (combo)

Taunt Druid (combo)

Kingsbane Rogue (combo)

OTK Paladin (combo)

Any Mecha’thun deck

A hero power which deals 8 damage would be better than gaining 4 armor, allowing you to close the game, a much well appreciated outcome than just awaiting your doom.


So what about the other cards?

Most of them are just meant as tech against certain decks. They can be replaced by a lot of cards.

Card Choice

To put it bluntly, if I had the dust. I would sub one Tar Lord for Zillax. Zillax can act as taunt, heal & mech all at once. Though it is definitely not game-changing.

Yes, why the oddball choice of Baron Geddon? Why no Weapon Removal?

Well, Baron Geddon is an excellent way to control token decks, especially if you get his trigger off multiple times. This is one of the best ways to counter Even Shaman or Token Druid. Don’t want to craft this niche card? Just add in a Whirlwind, it’ll do the trick half as well if not occasionally better.

If you feel like you’re meeting a lot of weapons, sub in an ooze instead of Mind Control Tech or the 2nd Tar Lord. Likewise if you’re encountering silence-able minions.

Don’t like/have Supercollider? Use Gorehowl instead if you’d like.

Don’t like Tar Lord? Just sub in Tar Creeper if you’d like to creep around more.

Why the Mech package with Omega Assembly and Dr. Boom, Mad Genius? Typically, it’s just a very valuable package I couldn’t bear to let go of (Mechs have rush)Dr. Boom, Mad Genius Usually acts as the transition package between Control to Quest mode.

Important Tips/Gameplay

  • Playing Dr. Boom, Mad Genius after Quest is NOT suggested. Instead, note that playing Dr. Boom, Mad Genius prior to the quest’s hero power would still give your mechs rush (Battlecry).
  • Dyn-o-matic will damage your own minions as long as they aren’t Mechs!
  • Giggling Inventor‘s Annoy-O Trons DO NOT contribute to the completion of the quest! (neither do MCTeched minions)


Essentially, knowing when to mulligan the Fire Plume's Heart and when NOT to is VITAL. It can affect your win rate by extraordinary amounts.

Therefore, as a rule of thumb, any class you know is DEFINITELY playing aggro, you should not keep the quest. However, knowing this trend and predicting your opponent’s deck is astronomically difficult. When fighting against Mage, you could have mistaken a Big Spell Mage for an Aggro Spell Mage and threw away the quest, this can heavily punish you, especially if you don’t draw the quest in time (do save Phantom Militia as triggers for quest in such cases). Though I must comment that keeping the quest in Aggro match-ups is not as punishing as doing the fore-mentioned.

To determine the opponent’s deck, you’ll have to factor in your rank (eg. esser aggro decks in high rank) and notice the trend of decks while playing. (eg. more control warlock VS zoolock in your rank range)

As such, I’ve summarized most classes’ mulligan plan. Though do not rely on this, instead, consider the opponents you face more often. If not sure, just keep your quest.


  1. Deathrattle Hunter
  2. Face Hunter

Conclusion: UP TO YOU


  1. Aggro Mage
  2. Big Spell/Control Mage

Conclusion: DO NOT keep quest


  1. Control Warrior
  2. Quest Warrior
  3. Mech/Recruit Warrior

Conclusion: KEEP quest


  1. Zoolock
  2. Even Warlock
  3. Control Warlock

Conclusion: DO NOT keep


  1. Quest Rogue (Bane of Hearthstone, my PTSD forbids me from discussing this demon)
  2. Odd Rogue
  3. Malygos Rogue
  4. Miracle/Steal Rogue

Conclusion: DO NOT keep quest


  1. Shudderwock Shaman
  2. Even Shaman

Conclusion: UP TO YOU


  1. Odd Paladin
  2. Control Paladin
  3. Even Paladin

Conclusion: UP TO YOU



Conclusion: KEEP quest



  1. Token Druid
  2. Malygos Druid
  3. Mill Druid
  4. Taunt Druid



I hope you have a literal BLAST playing this!

Tanks for reading!


Winrate: 70%~

Was played from Rank 5 – Rank 2

Games won with quest: 40%~

Games won without quest: 40%~

Games won without quest but later getting it somehow: 19%~

Others: 1%~

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  1. Taz004
    September 21, 2018 at 3:51 am

    Very nice deck. I´m at 5-1 right now (1 loose vs Togwaggle) at rank 3.
    Added Zola for Baron Gaddon (don´t have him) and Zillax for 1 Tar Lord.
    Think i will add 1 Ooze instead of the Owl, Zola or the second Tar Lord.