Quest for the Royal Wraps

Class: Paladin - Format: dragon - Season: season-65

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I had my doubts whether Quest Paladin was gonna work, but so far it’s been pretty good. I got 69% winrate after 42 games. Basically no deck can out-value you, in the midgame this deck turns into a crazy egg laying machine!

The Quest can usually be done by turn 7-9. If you can survive until that and have Mechanical Whelp/Mechano Egg on board, preferably with Taunt provided by Magnetic Mech, your opponent is in trouble. Always try to keep one egg on the board so you can multiply them.

Biggest weakness for this deck is Aggro of course. I try to keep Annoy-o-Modules and Bronze Gatekeepers in my hand until I got Egg or Whelp on board, but against aggro you usually gotta use them earlier. Khartut Defenders, Ancestral Guardians and Zilliax are great sources of healing against aggro.

Quest Druid is the deck I’ve been facing the most and I think I’ve only lost once against them. Just try to keep the board clear and save the Shrink Ray/Consecration combo for when you really need it. Usually I have won by exhausting Druid out of resources – they got no long term plan in their deck.

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