Quest Druid +Guide

Class: Druid - Format: dragon - Type: midrange - Season: season-65 - Style: ladder

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Deck Achievements:

Top 100 Legend peaking at 70, got back there through many ranks-costing experiments, so it includes multiple re-climbs.

Proof + Deck Picture: 

Others peaked with rather similiar deck to as high as #1 legend. 

I find my deck nuances to be the most precise to provide the best shot in most matchups.

I dont want to read:

Fine, here’s a video, but it’s not as thorough as the written guide!

Matchups understanding & game plan

Too long for this website, you can check this section here:

Card inclusions & FAQ:

*Why no Swipe?

Usually you play 3 mana card at turn 4, and by turn 5 you either completed the Quest (most Coin/Innervate games complete Quest by 5), so it won’t fit on curve.

Apart from curve, it is just not neccesary, the deck packs-in a lot of removals already, so it doesn’t feel neccesary.

Having that said, Swipe is an ok inclusion for the deck and if the meta changed and you feel like you want to include it, that’s an option, the card is sure not bad.

*Why only 1 Innervate?

Apart from drawing it for turn 1 in 50% of the games (no-coin), it doesn’t really do anything significant.

I did keep 1 copy to allow myself to high-roll it when going first, however in this deck you don’t want to do hard-mulligan for cards anyway.

It’s alright to play 2 copies, however I find any other card in the deck to be more important. generally it is risky to put a card that provides absolutly no value in the deck, sometimes you can have hands that lack card-draw and brick, you want to minimize the option of this happening.

*How is Power of the Wild working for you?

Power of the Wild is allowing a lot of tempo plays, such as buffing Bees, Anubisath Defenders, and Oasis Surgers (Especially for value-trade in the mirror), while still packing a 4:3 minion, all for the cheap and easily played from hand cost of 2 mana.

This is also the better version of throwing away a card for hand-space, might aswell get value for it, as there really is no difference between 2 mana or 0 mana for making handspace in this deck. 

This card is providing very high value for it’s cost, it’s effective and it isn’t too mana-expensive to play (Unlike Tending Tauren, that is unfortunately too expensive, regardless of being amazing).

*Why no King Phaoris?

King Phaoris is mostly for extra tempo/pressure for the Druid and Warrior matchups.

It often doesn’t really deliever, and those matchups are better solved with the cards currently included in the list and you should expect to win those matchups the majority of the times anyway. so while it’s not a bad card, it’s really not neccesary.

*I don’t have some/any of those Legendaries! how to replace them?

If you don’t have the Quest card itself, play a different deck.

Anything else can be replaced, while the deck can lose certain game-plans it can always beat everything through tempo and agression.

If you don’t have Nomi + Elise + Floop, build the deck only for tempo. it can hurt you in some matchups but you can still do great.

If you don’t have Zephrys, it will mostly make the Druid mirror much more difficult and you can consider putting in King Phaoris instead (which is a Legendary too, I know).

If you don’t have Wardruid Loti or Cenarius, it’s fine and just put something else.

You probably want to put in Tending Tauren if you have to shift into being full-in the tempo plan. can include in extra Innervate and even Swipe, consider Mark of the Loa also.

Gameplay, Questions and self-promotion

You can watch hours of gameplay with me explaining my thoughts process in my Twitch channel, August 29-31, can go a little earlier too.

I was learning the deck myself throughout the stream, and you can expect minor card swaps through it.

This is also the best place to ask me questions and get immidiate answers, however I’m reading your comments here too.

If you liked this guide, I invite you to follow me on Twitter also, for more content like this in the future.



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