Prismatic Lens Even Paladin

Class: Paladin - Format: raven - Type: midrange - Season: season-53 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

Draw your 2 drops and 6 drops; you want to keep your penguins and wisps as well as big spells in the deck to get 0 mana dinosizes and avenging wraths. Just use your hero power every turn.

Aggro Mulligans

You don't especially need your Lenses for these matchups, only board control and taunt.

Control Mulligans

Play early minions for board presence and Tarim on 6 (or 4, if you drew it alongside BoK or 2nd Lens, and smack face.

The goal of this deck is to use Prismatic Lens to draw a high cost spell like Dinosize and a low cost minion like Wisp, making the Dinosize cost 0. You always have a 1 mana 1/1 to play every turn, so your minions don’t matter at all. Worst cast scenario, you draw Tarim, Genn, making their costs either not change at all or reduce the spell only slightly. Silver hand recruits with a Knife Juggler. If you had a recruit up there isn’t much an opponent can do against a turn 4 10/10 with an 8 mana wisp in hand. It’s Barnes all over again! Blessing Of Kings might look like it’s bad, but if you draw Tarim with it that’s a 4 mana Tarim and if you draw Wisp with it that’s a 0 mana BoK. Bluegill Warrior with a reduced Dinosize is a charging 10/10 for 4-6 mana. Vicious Scalehide can be a 10 heal and 10 damage to a minion

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  1. FMJ.
    August 5, 2018 at 11:58 pm

    I really like your idea…but the deck seems no strong enough, i would suggest to remove Greyman to allow you to play other cards too, because i don’t see the real benefit that he give you.
    I prefer also to play Deckhand, boar or bluegill that yes cost 1-2 mana but if you drew before you have low cost minion with charge that is better.

    • Piterno - Author
      August 6, 2018 at 7:19 pm

      His purpose is to give you a cheap minion that you can always play your non-reduced buffs on, because you WILL draw some. Also a good curve because with both odd and even cards there is no guarantee that you will draw a 1, 2, and 3 drop or 1, 2, and 1 drop with hero power. With a number of 2 drops in the deck, you can always just press the button turn 1 and 3 and 5 and 7.

      I agree that the deck needs a charge minion though; I’ll cut Glowstone Technician and Val’Anyr for it, since they don’t really have good synergy with the idea of huge buffs for cheap.