Pogo Rogue

Class: Rogue - Format: raven - Type: combo - Season: season-52 - Style: theorycraft

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Use Blink Fox’s and Hench-Clan Thugs to fight for the early board state and presence. Loot Hoarders will also do this but compliment it with card draw along with Thalnos, Elven Minstrel, and Fan of Knives. Skulking will help against the Taunt Druid Match-up if that deck survives, if not, tech out. Once the game is near its end make sure you save 2 Lab Recruiters in your hand, either through actual saving or Lab Recruiting a Lab Recruiter earlier in the game and drawing those 2, and at least one Pogo-Hopper and Preparation. When your out cards, Lab Recruit your Lab Recruiter, Preparation, Myra’s, Play Pogo, Lab Recruit it, end turn, next turn, Play Pogo, Lab Recruiter your Lab Recruiter, play remaining Pogo’s, keep cycling, keep destroying with Pogo’s. However at this point you should have bounced your Pogo a bit anyways so when your doing all this your Pogo’s should already be big, and this should not feel like you are just starting to slowly build your Pogo, but rather slowly win the game because your Pogo’s are too big to deal with and getting bigger.


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