Legend Aggro Quest Hunter

Class: Hunter - Format: raven - Type: combo - Season: season-57 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

You allways try to Draw for Halazzi or stitched tracker to complete your Quest before drawing Zuljin

Aggro Mulligans

Against Warlock is a bit problematic because here we have a Situation whre we could have a Rushlock or Evenlock 
but however in both cases is the hunters mark and the secret plan the allrounder with your minions.

For Even or Handlock is the freezing and snake trap the best.
And for Rushlock flame trap and snake trap

This Deck is a Allrounder! its insane i am winning games after games with this Deck.
Technically is this deck possible to beat every single matchup out there i will list why and how below.
But first the standarts for this Deck.

You are allways to trying to get Stitched Tracker he is One of your Key Cards !!!

He allows you to copy or one of your Fire Flys or Springpaw to solve your Quest.
The First move is to solve the Quest because you want to reactivate it with your Zul’jin
so practically it means that you have to survive draw a lot of cards solve the quest and run him with the other Beast down.
Surprinsingly does this deck have a insane early game.

The combos are for example Houndmaster Shaw and the Necrotic Geist = This combo is kinda mana heavy so you want to play it with a copyd Houndmaster Shaw before on the bord and on the next turn play you want to play the Necrotic Geist

Augmented Elekk is also rly important against late matchups: Your have the decision to use him together with Carnassa to get 30 Carnassas Breeds or you dicide to use it with the Tracking Synergy that means if you play Tracking while elekk is on the bord, the card that you chose with Tracking  will be copyd in your deck to addition for drawing it that means you are with a lot of luck able to draw Zul´Jin and still have him in your deck ???? so you are now Technically able to activate your Quest 3 Times hahahah !:D

Well at first i want to notice the SPELL HUNTER matchup its kinda easy if you know it,
You have to clear his minions with your minions but dont attack face if he has a secret instead of wasting your resouces and giving him in the worst case a minion is not needet just attack when you belive that you can 2 or 3 Shot him.
In the most of matches you will win anyways against spell hunter if not you are playing bad or have bad luck.

Against odd mage it becomes more tricky,
You have to sustain every AOE DMG and to clear the board as often as possible try to lure the BARRON GEDDON OUT.
So it becomes problematic if she has Frostlichking Jaina early in Bord if that happens you try to win by fatigue. Yeah sounds crazy right ?! Against Odd or Fatigue Mage a Fatigue Match but you are actually able to win by letting one stitched tracker and copy houndmaster shaw for the endless value turn to get out of every bad situation. 
Now he has to clear your full bord and will use a high cost Spell now is your turn for the Tundra Rhino
He together with your Carnassas Brut will deal 17Dmg if he is higher than that Try to Win by Deathstalker Rexxar and more Deck Cards because of Carnassa 

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