Echo’s Kazakus Control Warlock

Class: Warlock - Format: mammoth - Type: control - Season: season-42 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

The main man is ofcourse the Kaz himself. I always keep him. Almost always :p

Aggro Mulligans

Taunt, heal, dealing damage and just keeping your opponent busy with clearing out the trash is what your gonna be wanting against agro. 

Combo Mulligans

Rat is good against combo decks! Just remember your timing! :)

Control Mulligans

Always keep Kazakus, Mountain Giant and Drake.

 Hey guys! I’m back again with a cool deck 🙂

I missed Reno Lock (R.I.P) so much that i decided to make something at least as bit similar

This deck has many of the great qualities that the good ol’ Reno Lock had. 

It has a lot of great anti agro tools such as Defile, Voidwalker, Mortal Coil, Mind Control Tech Tar Creeper is just to name a few.

In the heavier matchups it does well because of the tremendous power of your Hero Power. Drawing a card for 2 mana, with a minor setback, is just amazing when it comes to out valuing your opponent.

Hellfire, Defile and Shadowflame are for AOE boardclears. Also good when comboed with Tainted Zealot

Twisting Nether, Blastcrystal Potion and Siphon Soul for heavy removal.

And las but NOT least: 

Bloodreaver Gul'dan is just amazing. While he hypothetically should only re-summon 2 or 3 demons tops, the addition of Lord Jaraxxus makes it possible for the Bloodreaver to bring even more of those foul demons back to life! 


Againt Agro: 

Always tro to hold on to your DoomsayerVoidwalkerDefile ,Tar Creeper and of course Gluttonous Ooze and Golakka Crawler when facing warrior og even rogue maybe,

Keeping Drain Soul with Happy Ghoul is also really good in an opener hand against agro. Imagine killing a Murloc Tidehunter and playing a free 3/3 at turn 2… FeelsGoodMan!

Sunfury Protector could be good also if you have any early minions to land it on, or just as a 2-mana 2/3 body.

You could also keep Kazakus as he is simply a game changer.

Try to make the best trades as possible. Prioritize that before starting to tap like crazy. Once you’ve played f.ex a Hellfire or done some board clearing moves, you might start looking for the value cards.

Against Control:

Here you wanna utilize you here power as much as possible. By having the possibility to draw every turn, your main goal is to slam a Twilight Drake or a Mountain Giant as early as turn 4. Follow it up with a Faceless Shambler or a Sunfury Protector and you’re looking good. After a start like that it’s pretty much sailing from there. Opponent will be forced to play reactive due to tour aount of pressure, and you will eventually win the game. 

Lord Jaraxxus IMO the best card in the Control matchups.


Golakka Crawler – i have this for the early body and to beat pirates 🙂 Can easily be replaced by another early game minion.

Dirty Rat I for one, do not like to lose against Quest Mages, so if i time it correctly this will wreck them (most of the time).  It’ also a good body in the Agro matchups. Can be replaced with another early taunt minion. Taunt is good 🙂

Elise the Trailblazer i adeed Elise just to get that extra juice in those long grindy matchups. Can be replaced by  f.ex. Felfire Potion as a 4th AOE or Treachery for that Doomsayer

Skulking Geist Simply in the deck to beat Jade Druids. Also good against priest. Can be replaced by f.ex Defender of Argus

The Black Knight personally i still think this is a great deck in the current meta. Lots of taunts everywhere! I guess this could be replaced by a Spellbreaker perhaps.

Bonemare i think this is just a phenomenal card! I guess Defender of Argus or  Tar Lurker could be mediocre replacements. But i’m telling you, you need this card! 

Any comments are greatly appreciated! 

Encoy 🙂

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