DarkArcher’s Rinlock – A Theorycraft Control Warlock

Class: Warlock - Format: mammoth - Type: control - Season: season-44 - Style: theorycraft

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General Mulligans

This is our ideal start, using self-damaging minions like Kobold Librarian and Vulgar Homunculus will upgrade our spellstone for endgame. Playing Kobold Librarian on turn 1 will draw us a new card, accelerating our combo.

Aggro Mulligans

Defile and Voidwalker is a must for early game survival against aggro. Mortal Coil and Drain Soul is a bit more situational, we can always mulligan for Vulgar Homunculus as well. We focus on minimalizing our early game damage while getting our combo ready.

Control Mulligans

Control decks tend to be slower, so we can get prepared for our combo early on. Keeping Hellfire against Priest will be value play (Priests have a lot of 3 Health minions).

This is an theorycraft deck for Rin, the First Disciple, because of its nature this deck is a control deck.

The main strategy is that, if we are lucky enough to play Skull of the Man'ari by the 5th turn and following it up with Rin, the First Disciple  at the 6th turn, in theory we can effectively continue to summon Demons while we complete the ritual. (Ideally, we don’t want to play Lakkari Felhound and Doomguard from our hand, instead summoning them with Skull of the Man'ari)

We also have Bloodbloom to accelerate the process.

If the opponent oozes our weapon, we can get it back with Rummaging Kobold.

We are running 2 copies of Lesser Amethyst Spellstone as an hard removal and a heal tool (We lose a lot of our health using Bloodbloom) with 1 copy of Twisting Nether.

Bloodreaver Gul'dan‘s hero power can be used as an removal and healing tool (which is very valuable for us) while summoning our dead Demons.

Alexstrasza is there for a quick heal after we get below 15 Health.

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  1. FlyinZamby
    December 1, 2017 at 12:10 am

    Looks good, and a nice simple description.

    My only problem with it is that is has one twisting nether and a Medivh could also be useful, although dunno what I would take out to add them, maybe a Hellfire (just so you take a little less damage) and a Defile (cause Medivh + Twisting Nether/ 1/2/3/4/5/6th seal are quite strong).

    And you’d have to be careful with Azari isn’t pulled by the weapon