Boomsday Malygos Togwaggle (Wild)

Class: Druid - Format: wild - Season: season-76

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Post nerf edit: at the time, Aviana cost 9 mana, Giggling Inventor cost 5 mana, Nourish cost 5 mana and Wild Growth cost 2 mana.


In Wild there are a lot of counters to combo decks, e.g. Renolocks, Zoolocks with Demonic Project, Control Warriors, Shudderwocks, and so on. This version of Togwaggle is more resistant to combo disruption than the usual, and you can approach the games in more ways.

The main built-in anticombo resistance is Flobbidinous Floop, which offers a way to combo with Togwaggle without Aviana and Kun. You just have to play Togwaggle a turn before and then Floop, Innervate and Azalina.

If you want to approach the game in a more defenisive way against aggro, Floop has also extreme sinergy with Giggling Inventor and with Mossy Horror, the latter especially after a Poison Seeds as a board clear. Mossy Horror is also very strong on its own against other Giggling Inventors and/or Spreding Plagues. Floop can also be used after Kun for a one mana 3/4 that gains ten armor.


As a way of dealing burn damage, there is the Togwaggle and Naturalize sinergy.

Psychmelon is a crucial card to combo early. 

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