Guide – Wild Mage Tempo Aluneth – Boomsday Project – Legend Top 100

Class: Mage - Format: wild - Type: tempo - Season: season-55 - Style: ladder

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Introduction :

Hi, I’m 3558 and i will present here the deck I play in the top 100 in wild on the EU region in season 54 (Boomsday Project). The hightest that i went with this deck is rank 18 legend for now.

This is my first guide and english isn’t my native language so be lenient if you see a few mistakes. If you have some questions I will try to answer them in the comment section. Also, give a like if this guide helped you.

1 ) Cards selection :

I will compare my decklist with the one presented by Martian ( and featured in the Hearthstone Wild Meta Tier List by Roffle ( Both articles are good readings (probably better than mine) so don’t hesite to check them. It is to be noted that Martian deck was not updated for Boomsday Project.

I have :

+ 2 x Primordial Glyph + 1 x Stargazer Luna  + 1 x Loatheb

and   – 1 x Ice Lance  – 2 x Arcane Intellect – 1 x Potion of Polymorph

Let’s explain my choices but first let’s talk about why there is only 1 Sorcerer's Apprentice in the deck. While Sorcerer's Apprentice is very good in standard, she is very squishy for wild. In wild 2/3 is way better than 3/2. You must never play her on turn 2 because the opponent will always be able to take a good trade on her. You must play Sorcerer's Apprentice  for her capacity. She works best with Primordial Glyph or when you have already played Aluneth .

Stargazer Luna was a bit of a surprise for me, I didn’t expected the card to be that good, she can be as powerfull as Aluneth if used well. Her 4 heath make her very sticky on the board and she can often survive several turns. She is best used on turn 3 (or turn 2 with coin) or later when you can at least draw one card the turn you play her.

Loatheb is for me a must pick. You are already playing a disruptive deck with the secrets and Loatheb only reinforce that. He is best used to secure a win the turn before the letal, he is particulary incredibly useful against all Druids and Big Priest.

Primordial Glyph is maybe the weakest link of the deck. I have read that in wild the card is not as powerful as it was in standard because the pool of cards you can get is bigger. Maybe but I still can’t find a better spell to put in my deck. 30% of the time it will give you something clutch to win the game (ex : Arcane Explosion against a Paladin), 40% of the time it will be something correct (ex : Frostbolt) and the last 30% it will be something bad.

Now the cards I didn’t choose :

Ice Lance is in my opinion almost always a dead card in your hand. If you haven’t yet played Aluneth it’s just a card that you have in your hand with almost zero effect, if you have then you should already have enough burst to kill your opponent. Worse, having a Ice Lance in your deck might make you hesitate to play your Frostbolt against a minion that you would otherwise have controlled without problem.

Arcane Intellect is a bit like Sorcerer's Apprentice, it just doesn’t make the cut in wild. It’s too expensive for too little. Moreover, the addition of Stargazer Luna help a lot with the card draw problem.

Potion of Polymorph as always been a bad secret for me. It was only played because at one point Cubelock was everywhere  and even at that time i had my doubt about it’s usefulness in general. There is maybe place for a new secret in the game if a powerful one appears in a futur expansion.

A bit of a bonus in the recaled section : Polymorph: Boar is I think an heavily underated card in wild, if you want to have a little fun you can try to switch Primordial Glyph for it.

2 ) Mulligan :

Here are my rules for the mulligan :

Always take Mana Wyrm, Arcanologist, Mad Scientist and Stargazer Luna. They are good against all matchup. Warning : you only want one Mana Wyrm, particulary if you play first.

Take Kirin Tor Mage only if you already have an Arcanologist.

Take Aluneth against eveything but Paladin. You might want to have at least Mana Wyrm, Arcanologist, or Mad Scientist if you are against Even Shaman or Odd Rogue.

Take Medivh's Valet against fast decks (Odd Paladin, Even Shaman, Odd Rogue) only if you already have a Mad Scientist.

Take Loatheb against Druids and Big Resurrect Priest only if you already have one of the always must pick.

That’s all.

3 ) Strategy :

Few general tips first :

– Never ever play Medivh's Valet without having a secret on the board, and I mean it when I say never.

– Don’t burst your opponent face with your spells too early. As long as you don’t have a vision of the lethal try to not play them. For two reasons, one, you will have more cards in your hand meaning you are less predictable, two, you will maybe have to burst down a minion.

– If you don’t know what secret to play between Explosive Runes and Counterspell to consolidate your lead, play Counterspell.

– This may seems dumb but try to not overkill minions, you will need every bit of firepower you have.

– You can kill your own Mad Scientist to put into play a secret you really need.

I often read that you always have to go face with Tempo Mage and this statement is wrong. One of the most important thing in Hearhstone is to understand the speed of the deck you are playing and have a clear vision of what is your victory condition. So here a few insights on how I play against the tier 1 decks in wild right now.

Vs Even Shaman :

Contrary to what you might think in this matchup you have, in my opinion, to go more for the board than the face, at least in a close match, even if you have already played Aluneth. Keep in mind to kill the totems with yours one and two mana minions. Go for the face if you know you have completly lost the board. Medivh's Valet and Explosive Runes are particulary interesting.

Vs Odd Paladin :

Maybe your worst matchup. The key to win is to find the right time to go full face. In the beginning you have to try to kill most of the Silver Hand Recruits. Once you start to have correct minions like Kirin Tor Mage or Kabal Crystal Runner you have to go full face because you will lose the board anyway, this happen during the turn 4~6.

Vs Reno Warlock :

This matchup is often a two time fight, you have before and after Reno Jackson. In the first time you have to drop your opponent health with your minions while conserving your burst spells. It is only after Reno Jackson was used that you can really throw everything into his face. If you can’t kill him in one turn be sure to kill Reno Jackson.

Vs Togwaggle Gruid and Star Aligner Druid :

I had a lot of problem at the biginning but now i am doing good against them. You have to be extremly agressive with your minions at the beginning. You don’t want to play Counterspell in the early turns, you want to drop it around turn 5~7 to make it hard for him to play with his spells. As long as the opponent have not checked for Explosive Runes he can’t play his combo. Also remember that Loatheb can be a game winner, just try to not play him before your opponent 7 mana turn because he could drop Malfurion the Pestilent.

Vs Big Resurrect Priest :

An easier matchup than Druid, or a least more straightforward, with more or less the same game plan : rush face as hard as you can in the early turns with your minions and before the 6 mana turn of your opponent drop a Counterspell or Loatheb to counter Shadow Essence  and Lightbomb  and close the game. If he is still alive just burn him with your spells.

Vs Odd Rogue :

For this one I don’t have muche to say, both deck have the same speed. I feel it’s a bit like playing a mirror so you just have to outplay your opponent (not a good advice, right ?), no crazy tactics.

4 ) Card substitutions :

If you want to play a cheaper version of the deck and you don’t have Primordial Glyph, Stargazer Luna and Loatheb you can replace them with respectively 2 Polymorph: Boar, Arcane Intellect and Sorcerer's Apprentice.

Thanks for reading.

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  1. YCHEN13
    September 30, 2018 at 11:33 pm

    Very Great Guide! This is my first time playing wild and it helped me a lot!