Waggly Hoppers

Class: Rogue - Format: raven - Type: midrange - Season: season-61 - Style: theorycraft

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Deck Import

This deck aims to put lots of bunnies and Togwaggles down, while generating value through Tak + scheme or lab recruiter. Depending on the matchup, you can choose more copies of Ziliax, Edwin, Togwaggle, or Tak to shuffle into your deck. I am initially skeptical of putting two copies of Scheme, as you might not get to cast it for a while against aggressive decks. Lab Recruiter at least offers a body in the early game. Spirit of the Shark can lead to crazy turns with many different cards, but especially with Barista Lynchen. The deck is likely weaker to aggro, hence the inclusion of SI Agents, but that might be an issue moving forward. Hopefully you can draw Ziliax with a big bunny to really shut the door on aggro decks. 

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