Tiger/Value Druid v1.0 (Boomsday)

Class: Druid - Format: raven - Type: tempo - Season: season-55 - Style: fun

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General Mulligans

Cards are generally in order left-right of importance to mulligan for

Aggro Mulligans

Cards are generally in order left-right of importance to mulligan for

Midrange Mulligans

Cards are generally in order left-right of importance to mulligan for

Combo Mulligans

Cards are generally in order left-right of importance to mulligan for

Control Mulligans

Cards are generally in order left-right of importance to mulligan for

This deck is intended to be a fun and slightly competitive alternative to mainstream boring druid decks. It starts off slow and defensive, ramping into heavy board presence with a tiger-filled midgame. Generally, the deck wins by glooping cubes and tigers into a wide, unkillable, self-refreshing board until you punch the opponent down. Weaker against high tempo early game decks such as odd rogue and heavy board control decks like big spell mage, but it decimates any deck that can’t deal with its boards, and auto-beats decks like tog and maly druids that rely on fatigue and burn. 

Possible alterations: Branching Paths  and Ferocious Howl are fairly interchangeable. Taking out a Spreading Plague for Ixlid, Fungal Lord so you can hit the Ixlid, Fungal LordCarnivorous Cube  combo is fun, but weak vs. aggro metagames, and fitting in a second Ultimate Infestation  can really help with consistency. It is possible to run a Witching Hour /Witching Hour version of the deck, but that requires cutting both Spreading Plague and Malfurion the Pestilent , so is not recommended for most matchups.

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  1. Annky
    October 9, 2018 at 6:11 am

    Anybody had success with this deck? Im 5-25 with this deck so far, despite the surprise element. I found that this deck was too slow against aggressive/ combo decks, and the value is just not enough to defeat control decks (e.g. control warlocks which run Rin/ howlfiend)