Skidoosh Rogue (Malygos) – Rastakhan’s Rumble

Class: Rogue - Format: raven - Type: combo - Season: season-58 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

At the beginning of the game it is important to maintain tempo and not fall behind the faster decks such as hunters. Even just by playing a few two drops to contest will the game a few turns and allow you to start gaining draw momentum. 

Necrium blade is a keep because it contests the board very well and also can often be used in conjunction with a loot hoarder or Thalnos to draw a card. 

Minstrel should be kept if you have enough early game cards already or you have the coin. Playing minstrel with the combo early on is important to ensuring that you have minions to keep playing, keeping the draw momentum going and ensuring malygos is not hidden at the bottom of the deck. 

Midrange Mulligans

Against midrange decks you often can simply survive until turn 6 - 7 by playing your minions and using weapon and fan. Midrange decks will generally play for the board instead of going face and often a vanish will allow you to make it to your Valeera and stall the game enough to do the combo. 

Control Mulligans

In control matchups you want to keep any cards that allow you to draw but also hold onto your combo pieces. 

This is a rogue deck that aims to stall in the early game and then win using a one shot combo involving malygos. It is capable of doing upwards of 60 damage in one turn. This deck has incredibly favourable matchups against control decks. 

To do the combo you play the kobold whilst malygos is the only minion in your hand and then use the last swing of your weapon and prep a necrium vial. This will give you three Malygos’. You can then use your razorpetals and eviscerates to one shot your opponent. As you deal the finishing blow you then say out loud “Skidoosh!” and use the Thanks emote. 

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  1. Willy Thick
    January 25, 2019 at 1:31 am

    I just climbed from rank 25 to rank 8 in 6 hours with this deck! 83% win rate and tons of skidooshing on the lethals.