Nulfire’s Silver Sword Dude

Class: Paladin - Format: raven - Type: midrange - Season: season-51 - Style: budget

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General Mulligans

I generally look for these cards in Mulligan, either adding to it based on the opponent. CTA and Sunkeeper are must keeps in all circumstances, especially with the 5 manna cost of CTA; which curves perfectly into Sunkeeper, forcing your opponent to remove all minions, if not 9 damage coming up next turn! Stonehill Defender on T3 provides Sunkeeper opportunity if not in starting hand and Righteous Protector is perfect for T1, needing two hits.

Aggro Mulligans

Against Odd Paladin, its important to get ahead of your opponent's board, hence Lost in the Jungle as T1 followed by Righteous Protector. You wanna get your opp to destroy their SH recruits as often as possible. If you can get ahead by one or two recruits, then game is done and won! If not, consecration, in tandem with Equality on T6 will clear your opponent's entire aggro board. This tactic also works very well against Zoo, usually leaving your oppo if, then close to top decking while your refill your board, and move the game into a very aggressive t7 to t9 face attack

After opponents ask for the deck recipe, I guess it is time to submit it!!

Consistent wins with this versatile deck using opponent based strategy in mulligan and game play.

Enjoy the best of both worlds, even if there is nothing odd about it. As a relative newbie I’d enjoy feed back, on how to make it better.



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  1. Nulfire - Author
    June 5, 2018 at 4:37 pm

    I like flexibility in a deck and I ask myself these questions (no pun intended – or maybe yes):

    – Can it ‘adapt’ to the demands I, based on the meta, require of it,
    – Is it constrained to a particular strategy that relies on curve and RNG,
    – Is it consistent against various archetypes,
    – Does it suit my playing style?

    It all boils down to what I feel comfortable playing with. And just by the by… I’ve got thoughts on a a druid deck I’m going to name the ‘Spiteful Thug’ (it should be pretty obvious. I have no idea why Henchman Thug is not an auto include in any hero attack decks. That is all decks excluding warlock and mage, shame guys.)

    Time for a slash and sleep, and another rank on the ladder tomorrow.

    As a wise man (sic) person once said: “ladder is a chaos.” Or was it the other way around? I forget.

    Love y’all

  2. Servivo
    June 5, 2018 at 5:53 am

    Nice done!! I made one similar. But, i had really bad moment against druid, shuderwock shaman and control priest. I also put two cristal lions but your deck looks more consistent.

    • Nulfire - Author
      June 5, 2018 at 6:18 am

      Thank you! It is pretty consisttent. I also ran it with Crystal lions x 2 a while back. I found it slowed it up a bit. I really like the versatility of the deck, its ability to switch tactics etc

    • Nulfire - Author
      June 5, 2018 at 6:20 am

      Thank you! It is pretty consisttent. I also ran it with Crystal lions x 2 a while back. I found it slowed it up a bit. I really like the versatility of the deck, its ability to switch tactics etc. Ya, druid is a tricky one with this deck