
Class: Warlock - Format: wild - Type: combo - Season: season-113 - Style: ladder

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Welcome! Here’s a deck I’ve created for this month’s legend-climbing in WILD.

I have to say that I didn’t expect it to perform that well, since it was just a rework of a deck I really liked from MartianBuu, the Bloodtreant Lock that evolve thanks to Sacrificial Summoner and Recombobulator.


Since the Blood Treant was, until last expansion, the only target for our Sacrificial Summoner and Recombobulator, the deck tended to be slow in case you didn’t draw your combo.

Now, you see, this little guy up there is the reason why this deck can do something new. Cheating Thaddius, Monstrosity on turn 3, or maybe just evolving him/her into a new 9 mana drop!

Thanks to cards such as Crystallizer and Spirit Bomb will drop our life to -9 so that we can play the big guy as early as possible (usually, and consistently on turn 4/5).
Once Thaddius is on the board, we can play stax cards as Nerubian Unraveler (for control/combo) or Damaged Stegotron (against aggro) and some other big thing ALMOST for FREE.

I decided not to put any mass removal just because we don’t have time to do that. We just wanna EVOLVE like Darwin wanted to. The only mass removal here is Gigafin, that can be also cheated in play if we are lucky enough to pull of the Seadevil Stinger synergy.

To experience the fastest Thaddius, we need some card draw – Kobold LibrarianThe SoulariumBackfire and some backup plan, our dearest Sir Finley, Sea Guide.

But remember, Thaddius is not the only aim of the deck, since we could simply end up with him as a dead draw, we can always rely on the classic Blood Treant (we’re always looking for it) and swarm the board with 0 mana Molten Giant and Imprisoned Horror

A couple removal spells to control the board on early (and to eliminate the taunts on late game), Chaotic Consumption is here for THAT!

Symphony of Sins is just here for the value, giving good tools for any situation (and finishers).

The deck is consistent, fun, different, unexpected BUT not a Tier 0.
With 83 games, 60% winrate, misplays and a little bit of mastery, will turn out good if you want to just play WILD GAMES.

Tune up your mulligan skills, I may update the description if requested, in general, you want to keep as many combo-tool as possible and, if you smell control/combo/spell based matchup, look for Blood Treant into Nerubian Unraveler, you can win almost against every deck if you use your resources wisely.


The deck is (maybe) not gonna last since Thaddius will be nerfed, but we’ll see…

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