Midrange Token Druid ft. Giants and Heroic Innkeeper

Class: Druid - Format: raven - Type: token - Season: season-61 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

Get minion pressure going early. People are playing a lot of greedy decks. If you feel murlocs coming, look for Crystal Power and Wrath, too.

This is more of a midrange token build than most of the aggro variants that have been on ladder, and focuses on high tempo plays rather than going all in on the buff plan (e.g. the low value Blessing of the Ancients) or slow value plays (e.g. Soul of the Forest).

You want to create wide boards until your opponent cannot deal with one, and then punish them with buffs, a big Frostwolf Warlord , a cheap Sea Giant , or a magnetized Zilliax . If you are barely hanging on after turn 7, Heroic Innkeeper can bail you out against aggro, by dumping a huge threat that also defends your face and board.

Other notes:

  • There are a fair number of mechs in here. This seems to confuse some warriors when they play Dyn-o-matic.
  • Flobbidinous Floop is a spicy inclusion if you want more turn 4-7 pressure. It has good synergy with all minions in this deck.
  • Keeper Stalladris is awesome in here: extra buffs, extra 3/2 token, extra cheap removal, extra card draw, and extra healing for your big dudes or your face.

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