THEORYCRAFT KFT Bloodreaver Control Warlock

Class: Warlock - Format: mammoth - Type: control - Season: season-41 - Style: ladder

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Aggro: Mortal Coil, Mistress of Mixtures, VoidwalkerDefileDrain Soul and Doomsayer 

Your picks depend on the specific matchups, but most of the cards above should be safe for most aggro matchups. You can keep Tainted Zealot if you already have Defile.

Control: Same as aggro, except sometimes you will keep Bloodreaver Gul'dan for the slowest of matchups.

Deck description:

The biggest issue for control warlock in un’goro standard is healing, this will hopefully be changed with the insane amount of healing available with KFT. Corpsetaker if activated with taunt and just lifesteal or divine shield will be great vs aggro. Activate all 3, and its insane.  Bloodworm serves both as an activator for Corpsetaker, but also as a good healing minion for the mid-game. Once you get to Bloodreaver Gul'dan you’ll have a Mind Shatter  with life steal, which is probably the best hero power in the game outside die insect. 

Warlock has always had good boardclear, but defile takes this to another level. Can easily do both 1 and 2 damage at turn 2, can be combined with mortal coil (without draw) to ensure 2 or 3 damage AOE at turn 3, or for amazing 6(!) damage AOE at turn 4 with Tainted Zealot

Considering the massive amount of healing and early game boardclears now available to help vs aggro and super strong hero powers late-game from Lord Jaraxxus and Bloodreaver Gul'dan to out value and tempo control, there is little reason that a control based warlock should not see play once KFT hits the meta. 

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