Echo’s N’zoth Jade Rogue

Class: Rogue - Format: mammoth - Type: control - Season: season-42 - Style: ladder

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Here is my version of Jade Rogue! Or N’zoth Rogue… or whatever! It works like a charm at least 🙂

I have been wanting to play Jade Rogue for some time, but i always end up feeling like there’s a massive lack of card draw, and i have felt the same way with N’zoth Rogue. Therefore i decided to come up with this little mix of both worlds 🙂

(PS: FYI I did in fact make this list on my own, but if they are any similar lists out there, i would never take credit for being the original “creator”.)


As i mentioned earlier i’ve always felt a lack of card draw with the previous versions of this deck.

To try and make it so you can cycle more often i’ve added:

1x Bloodmage Thalnos (which is pretty normal in most miracle Rogue lists)

2x Loot Hoarder for some early game presence and more of that sweet draw. Plus they give extra N’zoth value!

2x Fan of Knives if you’re in need to just dig deeper, and maybe even clear some early minions while at it.

2x Journey Below to add value to N'Zoth, The Corruptor  , to cycle more and hopefully pick up another Aya Blackpaw if you get a chance. It’s quite often in fact since she is a Jade Lotus spesific card 🙂 

Last but not least i decided to try 1x Roll the Bones and it has been working out soo great! I would say that it draws me two cards atleast 65% of the time, which in my opinion is really good.

But the deck isn’t only for drawing ofcourse..

Jade Swarmer, Jade Shuriken, Jade Spirit, Aya Blackpaw are the main Jade Golem producing cards in the deck. 

Bone Baron, Cairne Bloodhoof and also Aya Blackpaw are the bigger Deathrattle cards your gonna wanna be laying down before playing  N'Zoth, The Corruptor.
Jade Swarmers and Loot Hoarder are also coming back to life when you play N'Zoth, The Corruptor.
Don’t worry if you haven’t slammed all the big guns before playing N'Zoth, The Corruptor because the Swarmers are gonna be pretty annoying to deal with anyways.

Plague Scientist is in the deck because it simply works perfectly in this deck! I initially tried it out just for for fun and memes, but with cards like Jade Swarmer and Patches the Pirate just to mention a few, it works great! Easily take out big taunts or some annoying early game minions by using this highly underrated card IMO.

Speaking of removal:

I run 2x Jade Shuriken and 1x Shadow Strike for early single removal.

The Plague Scientist has huge potential to take out small, medium or the biggest minions in the game.

I also run 2x Vilespine Slayer to have that secure tempo removal which leaves a nice 3/4 body on the board. And yes, you are probably thinking it’s gonna be hard to combo, but it is absolutely not. 
Backstab, Journey Below, Swashburglar, Loot Hoarder and even the 1/1 skeletons that comes from Bone Baron are perfect combo enablers both for Plague Scientist and  Vilespine Slayer.

The Shadowcaster potential:

Shadowcaster works like an absolute charm in this deck. If i would’ve had room for one more i would’ve added one. There is just so incredibly much value to get from her, especially when it comes to making you Jade count bigger. Hitting a Aya Blackpaw or a Jade Spirit will help a lot with the jade count.

Shadowcaster also works amazingly with the Deathrattle cards. Shadowcaster on Cairne Bloodhoof equals two Cairne Bloodhoofs when N'Zoth, The Corruptor is played.

I even added 1x Shadowstep to make these combo potentials even crazier! Use your imagination 🙂

Hope you’ll try the deck and enjoy it as much as i do!

Enjoy 🙂   



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  1. Thrall
    September 18, 2017 at 10:32 am

    i don’t usually comment on this site even if i vastly navigate here to see some new decks or even twists since it’s a really well done site but i never find decks being so good or particular in community’s that makes me wanna greet the author. this one is the exception that confirms the rule, i tried this (just a little i know) and played four games, i lost only the first due to disconnection and it’s a shame since i was high on life and were going to trade the whole enemy board and developing mine while having still more cards than him. really good deck, not the easiest to pilot and neither the hardest but rly performing, just subbed the shadowstep with another shadowcaster which felt more consistent to me since i’m playing it on already 1/1 drops or on aya and i can play her right back with the shadowcaster (we shold be on turn 6 even with aya on 5 by coin). again great deckm if it’s rly your whole idea and made it from zero (obviously it was already made in other seasons but i’ve never seen it in KofT meta) i really think you are to greet as a great deck creator. hope we’ll get a lot more decks from you 😀

    • Echo - Author
      September 22, 2017 at 12:13 pm

      I enden up switching the shadowstep for another caster myself!!
      Thank you for the comment 🙂 It’s great to hear from a fellow hearthstoner, and will motivate me into making more decks and descriptions 🙂 Hope you enjoyed it!

    • Echo - Author
      October 21, 2017 at 5:02 pm

      Hey Mr. Thrall! Again thanks a lot for the comment on this deck.

      I would love to get you opinion on a later version of Jade Rogue i made recently, and i think you might have some good insight!

      Here is the link:

      Thanks in advance!

  2. vomitor
    September 15, 2017 at 1:27 pm

    muy buen mazo.

  3. Owl2103
    September 12, 2017 at 6:08 am

    Great to see another person playing Jade N’Zoth, cheers! A couple of questions:

    1. Any thoughts on possible replacements for Patches?
    2. How does double FoK feel? I often find them lacking
    3. What is your reasoning for not including Undercity Hucksters or Mimic Pods?

    • Echo - Author
      September 12, 2017 at 6:31 am

      So good to hear! I’ve been missing both Jade and N’zoth Rogue a lot myself.

      Those are excellent questions!

      1. I feel the swashburglar + patches is good to counter aggression and it works well with the Plague Scientist as well.

      2. In the description i mention that i have experience with lack of draw. FoK’s are only there for cycle and to clear early minions.

      3. As you can see in the description i kinda replaced the hucksters with hoarders in order to cycle through the deck, as i found that draw was lacking a lot. Mimic Pods i do not actually know why i didn’t add. Space i guess :p

      Now i ask you: What would you replace or add to this deck?

      • Owl2103
        September 12, 2017 at 6:53 am

        My deck’s not that different, by the way.
        For starts I use two copies of Shadowcaster instead of 1 and a Shadowstep, feels (to me) more consistent.

        My inclusion of 2x Eviscerates is more like a Rogue deckbuilding habit, I guess. I’ll definitely swap them for 1 Shadow Strike/ 1 Roll the Bones though, I really like the idea. Same goes for Hucksters, actually (2x Loot Hoarders).

        For early game counter aggro I use 2x Mistress of Mixtures. Although I slightly dislike the card, it has performed quite well. It should be mentioned that I hate Patches with a passion, and I never intend to use him 😀

        Finally, I have begun experimenting with the Lich King. It fills the creature gap between Aya and N’Zoth, and often provides unexpected value (when left untouched and copied with Shadowcaster).

        • Echo - Author
          September 12, 2017 at 6:55 am

          Sounds like some cool consepts!! Anyways, great deck 🙂

    • Echo - Author
      October 21, 2017 at 5:03 pm


      Again thanks a lot for the comment on this deck.

      I would love to get you opinion on a later version of Jade Rogue i made recently, and i think you might have some good insight!

      Here is the link:

      Thanks in advance!

  4. supernoodles
    September 12, 2017 at 4:48 am

    this was just what i wanted to find for rogue, also wanting to go jade fr a long time,
    now having the necessary cards this deck seems to work very well ^^!
    ty for sharing! enjoying it