Anka, Miracle Rogue – SOU – isandrg

Class: Rogue - Format: dragon - Type: tempo - Season: season-66 - Style: ladder

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Aggro Mulligans

If you have Clever Disguise keep Vendetta in opening hand against aggro

Control Mulligans

Its okay to keep Gadgetzan Auctioneer in your opening hand against Quest Druid and Quest Priest.

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Anka, Miracle Rogue

The good old miracle rogue with Gadgetzan Auctioneer  as the draw engine to enable Anka, the Buried to lead into a multiple tempo turns. Gadgetzan Auctioneer can be used to draw multiple deathrattle minions for Anka, the Buried play next turn. Prime targets for Anka, the Buried  are Mechanical Whelp and Anubisath Warbringer to maximize the value and enable a high tempo play or a big heal with Zilliax on a 7/7 mech dragon for next turn.

Caution : Only play if you are looking for a fun deck and not serious about laddering in general.

Card Replacement

Fan of Knives  can be replaced with another copy of Hench-Clan Burglar for higher chances of discovering a board clear if you are not facing a lot of token decks.

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  1. MilesTegF
    September 5, 2019 at 1:41 pm

    I got beaten once by a deck similar to this, but with more deathrattle sinergies and lackeys.
    what he did was:
    1. Droped anka with both anubisaths in hand.
    2. Generated a bunch of lackeys.
    3. Drop anubisath and activate is deathrattle with Necrium Vial and Necrium Blade.
    4. Drop the other anubisat and got them both killed.
    5. Started droping 16/16 minions turn after turn while doing other things as well.

  2. SANDRG - Author
    September 1, 2019 at 12:04 pm

    Removed 2x Khartut Defender, 2x Blink Fox, 1x Clever Disguise for 2x Wanted, 2x Sap, 1x Hench-Clan Burglar for little more consistency with Auctioneer cycle. Might keep 2x Blink Fox instead of replacing it with 2x Wanted if it doesn’t work out cause of not having many low mana minions.


    And Thanks for all the suggestions.

  3. SANDRG - Author
    September 1, 2019 at 4:01 am

    If you wanna see how the deck plays out you can watch TheJiminatorHS on Twitch using the link below, he was kind enough to play the deck on his stream.

  4. Skoopy
    September 1, 2019 at 3:59 am

    Too inconsistent version. You really need to pilot your Anka somehow.
    To draw her you need to cut all minions below her, and put in double witchwood piper. This way you make your deck more stable. But i didnt try the Auctioneer package with it. Will try to cut all below 5 cost minions, adding more Deathrattles and Taunts, and give it a shot :).

    • SANDRG - Author
      September 1, 2019 at 4:18 am

      Yea its kind of messy for now but Anka is in here as a tempo turn for the mid game and with Auctioneer cycling out the deck you will usually draw Anka and few Deathrattles by the mid game. So putting in Witchwood piper by cutting out early game just to draw Anka is a huge tempo loss and the main reason Anka doesn’t work out for most people is them trying to go big with high cost cards which hurts rogue more than helping it out as we dont have much support for that kind of gameplay for now.
      In short the main focus of the deck is not just Anka if you didn”t really get it.

    • SANDRG - Author
      September 1, 2019 at 4:20 am

      But thanks for giving it a look 🙂