
Mana Cost








Name Class Rarity Type
Apothecary's Caravan
At the start of your turn, summon a 1-Cost minion from your deck.
Warlock Rare Minion 2 1 3
Battlefield Necromancer
At the end of your turn, raise a Corpse as a 1/3 Risen Footman with Taunt.
Death Knight Common Minion 2 2 2
Battleworn Vanguard
After your hero attacks, summon two 1/1 Felwings.
Demon Hunter Common Minion 2 2 2
Bilefin Tidehunter
Battlecry: Summon a 1/1 Ooze with Taunt.
Neutral Common Minion 2 2 1
Boneweb Egg
Deathrattle: Summon two 2/1 Spiders. If you discard this, trigger its Deathrattle.
Warlock Rare Minion 2 0 2
Bug Collector
Battlecry: Summon a 1/1 Locust with Rush.
Neutral Common Minion 2 2 1
Cornered Sentry
Taunt. Battlecry: Summon three 1/1 Raptors for your opponent.
Warrior Rare Minion 2 2 6
Defias Ringleader
Combo: Summon a 2/1 Defias Bandit.
Rogue Common Minion 2 2 2
Dirty Rat
Taunt Battlecry: Your opponent summons a random minion from their hand.
Neutral Epic Minion 2 2 6
Echoing Ooze
Battlecry: Summon an exact copy of this minion at the end of the turn.
Neutral Epic Minion 2 1 2
Spellburst: Summon a Gibberling.
Druid Common Minion 2 1 1
Haunted Creeper
Deathrattle: Summon two 1/1 Spectral Spiders.
Neutral Common Minion 2 1 2
Hench-Clan Hogsteed
Rush Deathrattle: Summon a 1/1 Murloc.
Neutral Common Minion 2 2 1
Infected Peasant
Deathrattle: Summon a 2/2 Undead Peasant.
Neutral Common Minion 2 2 1
Jukebox Totem
At the end of your turn, summon a 1/1 Silver Hand Recruit.
Paladin, Shaman Common Minion 2 0 4
Battlecry: Dredge. If it's a 1-C0st minion, summon it.
Hunter Common Minion 2 2 3
Kindly Grandmother
Deathrattle: Summon a 3/2 Big Bad Wolf.
Hunter Common Minion 2 1 1
Kolkar Pack Runner
After you cast a spell, summon a 1/1 Hyena with Rush.
Hunter Epic Minion 2 2 3
Mana Geode
Overheal: Summon a 2/2 Crystal.
Priest Epic Minion 2 2 3
Maze Guide
Battlecry: Summon a random 2-Cost minion.
Neutral Common Minion 2 1 1
Murloc Tidehunter
Battlecry: Summon a 1/1 Murloc Scout.
Neutral Common Minion 2 2 1
Nerubian Egg
Deathrattle: Summon a 4/4 Nerubian.
Neutral Rare Minion 2 0 2
Nerubian Flyer
Battlecry: If a friendly Undead died after your last turn, summon a 2/2 Nerubian.
Druid Common Minion 2 2 3
Parachute Brigand
After you play a Pirate, summon this from your hand.
Neutral Common Minion 2 2 2
Pile of Bones
Deathrattle: The next time you Excavate, resummon this.
Death Knight Rare Minion 2 2 1
Deathrattle: Summon a Deathrattle minion that costs (3) or less from your hand.
Demon Hunter Common Minion 2 3 2
Rustsworn Initiate
Deathrattle: Summon a 1/1 Impcaster with Spell Damage +1.
Neutral Common Minion 2 2 2
Scarab Egg
Deathrattle: Summon three 1/1 Scarabs.
Neutral Common Minion 2 0 2
Serpent Egg
Deathrattle: Summon a 3/4 Sea Serpent.
Neutral Common Minion 2 0 3
Shambling Zombietank
Taunt Battlecry: Spend 5 Corpses to summon a copy of this.
Death Knight Common Minion 2 3 2
Sharkfin Fan
After your hero attacks, summon a 1/1 Pirate.
Neutral Common Minion 2 2 2
Battlecry: Summon a 2/2 Treant.
Druid Common Minion 2 1 1
Soldier's Caravan
At the start of your turn, summon two 1/1 Silver Hand Recruits.
Paladin Rare Minion 2 1 3
Spirit Poacher
Battlecry: Summon a random Dormant Wildseed.
Hunter Rare Minion 2 2 2
Tuskarr Totemic
Battlecry: Summon a random basic Totem.
Shaman Common Minion 2 3 2
Vrykul Necrolyte
Battlecry:  Give a friendly minion "Deathrattle: Summon a 2/2 Zombie with Rush."
Neutral Common Minion 2 2 2
Battlecry: Summon a 0/2 Goblin Bomb.
Neutral Common Minion 2 2 1