Togwaggle Druid (Legend #665)

Class: Druid - Format: wild - Type: combo - Season: season-112 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

It's difficult to win without Biology Project, but don't just hard mulligan for it; it's better to have something playable than nothing. As important as Floop's Gloop is, I've found you can't keep it in the mulligan. You can of course keep Nourish with Bio Project, and Celestial Alignment or Overflow with Nourish and Bio Project.

This is a unique take on Togwaggle Druid in that it doesn’t run Togwaggle. Tony is better for a few reasons: He’s cheaper, meaning in matchups where he isn’t needed, he’s easier to play for tempo or disruption in a pinch. He’s also not a battlecry minion, meaning he’s unaffected by battlecry tech cards, and after playing Celestial Alignment, you can safely cheat him out with Oaken Summons once The Jailer is in hand–but this list doesn’t run Oaken Summons, so that’s irrelevant. The main reason I prefer Tony to Togwaggle is that Tony gives you insurance against board wipes. You can destroy your opponent’s deck by playing Tony+Jailer, and if your board is destroyed or devolved, you still get your deck back.

As previously mentioned, this list has forsaken the Oaken Summons package in favor of five very important cheap minions: Finley, Pride Seeker, and Widowbloom Seedsman. Pride Seeker makes Nourish cost two less, meaning you can play it the same turn as Celestial Alignment. Losing Oaken Summons makes the deck worse into aggro, which was already a bad matchup, in order to give it a better chance into control matchups.

This deck is difficult to pilot and not very powerful. Still, I’m making it work in mid-to-high Legend! You’ll need to get very good at playing fast on Floop’s Glorious Gloop turns to win consistently.

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