Tiger OTK (Rastakhan)

Class: Paladin - Format: raven - Type: combo - Season: season-57 - Style: ladder

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In my time playing card games, I have always enjoyed the combo archetype. Being able to one shot your opponent is probably one of the most satisfying things you can do in a game. So when I saw Shirvallah, the Tiger, my mind immediately went to Holy Wrath. This simple two-card combo can enable 25 damage and even 50 damage with some other cards!

How it Works:

This deck runs mostly cards that will draw you even more cards, stall the game, or both. Your primary goal with this deck is to just simply draw through your entire deck until there is nothing left. You then play Shirvallah, target her with Baleful Banker, and play Holy Wrath to kill your opponent. 

But sometimes this won’t work. You might go up against a druid who has armor for days. However, this matchup is not hopeless. We can enable a 50 damage combo where we play Augmented Elekk with x2 bankers to shuffle 3 copies of Shirvallah into our deck (Time Out! allows us to wait for our next turn). We then play double Holy Wrath to hit our opponent for 50 damage. 

Overall I think this will be a very powerful combo deck in our standard meta. Paladins new survivability makes pulling off the combo a lot easier as well as help it survive against Aggro decks. This deck is also fairly budget as the only necessary legendary is Shirvallah. So if you’re on a budget this might be a deck to look out for. If you have any suggestions please let me know.

Edit: Replaced x2 Potion of Heroism with x2 Flash of Light for more self-protection.

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  1. lubu
    November 29, 2018 at 9:52 am

    i not seen that tiger card before

  2. Karapuz
    November 27, 2018 at 5:42 pm

    This is more lottery OTK then stable OTK concept, add Hemet FFS

    • Koop - Author
      November 28, 2018 at 9:24 pm

      I wouldn’t really say this is a “lottery style” OTK deck because once we have the cards in hand it’s not reliant on luck at all. Also we don’t have hemit because 2 of our OTK pieces are bellow or at 3 mana, making him a dead card in hand until we draw him. If you run hemit in a combo deck you will generally have to build your deck to end it’s curve at 3 mana. In this deck, a lot of our stall tools/Shirvallah discounters are high mana costs. I would say this trade off is worth it because we can survive long enough with these powerful tools to pull off the OTK.

      • Karapuz
        November 29, 2018 at 8:51 pm

        Ty, now i understand how it works, i thought it worked like old OTK pal with Hemet, holy wraths and molten giants. But this is still too slow comparing to other OTK decks.

        • Koop - Author
          December 2, 2018 at 1:19 pm

          This deck is definitely slow compared to decks such as Malygos druid. However, this deck is built with survivability in mind and should have the board clears, stalls, and heals it needs to make it to the late game.

  3. yoloswagposé
    November 27, 2018 at 6:57 am

    can’t otk druids and warriors still cause of armor gain

    get beaten by zerek’s clowning gallery easily

    • Koop - Author
      November 28, 2018 at 9:29 pm

      Warrior’s and druids do not actually pose that big of a threat to this deck because all of our can trip effects can help us reach the combo pretty fast against control/combo decks. 50 damage should be enough to take out most warriors and a lot of druids, but if they manage to live they still have to deal with 3+ Shirvallah’s on board.

      • Koop - Author
        November 28, 2018 at 9:31 pm

        However this deck isn’t perfect and I can definitely see it losing to zerek’s combo deck a lot. The deck is pretty pricey though so you probably wouldn’t see it much until high up on the ladder.

  4. Ekaf
    November 26, 2018 at 7:47 pm

    I’d replace hammer of wrath with crystology. One more draw for two minions to speed it up a little.

    • Koop - Author
      November 28, 2018 at 9:37 pm

      Hammer of Wrath is definitely a flex spot in this deck so you can replace it with whatever you want. I was originally using Crystology in it’s spot, however, their are a plethora of 3 health minions in Hearthstone, almost always making it a two for one. Plus the fact that it can be improved by Thalnos and can discount Shirvallah by more than Crystology isn’t bad. It honestly comes down to a matter of preference, so do what you want 🙂

  5. Grant
    November 24, 2018 at 3:53 am

    Won’t Holy wrath only do the discounted amount in damage?

    • Daniel Xie
      November 24, 2018 at 9:04 am

      Nah it does it before. Remember the same combo with molten giant? The molten giant didnt get discounted.