[Theorycraft] Gadgetzan Grimy Goons taunt Warrior

Class: Warrior - Format: kraken - Type: midrange - Season: season-32 - Style: ladder

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It’s been a few expansions since Blizzard tried to push the warrior on the way of playing a taunt deck, starting with Bolster in TGT to the newly revealed cards from the Mean Streets of Gadgetzan, and with the new mechanics of buffing minions in hands and cards like Alley Armorsmith or I Know a Guy , it seems like this archetype might finally see some play, i tryed to imagine what it could look like after the expansion get finally released.


Fiery War Axe Execute Slam Ravaging Ghoul Blood To Ichor Grommash Hellscream  : overall good cards, nothing more to say about it

Bolster Stolen Goods Grimestreet Smuggler (Warrior) Thorium Knuckles Grimy Gadgeteer Don Han'Cho (Warrior) : Your buffing cards, you want them as early as possible so you can play bigger taunts in the mid to late and hopefully get a lot of value from them.

  • Finally a good card to play on turn 1 for warrior, basically like a Raven Idol for taunts only, you can still get some crazy ass cards like Tirion Fordring

  • A great card against aggro, not that great against others but 4/5 is still a good body anyway

  • Also a great taunt against aggro, benefits alot from buffs

  • Not sure about this one, but i think he might be really strong in this deck, especially if he get some buffs on him.

Acolyte of Pain is the only draw on this deck (with one Slam ), but it is actually enough because of the buffs that he can get while in hand.


The goal with this deck would be to basically play on curve buffs until you get to play big minions that got a lot of value from the previous buffs.

Ideally you’d like to get Stolen Goods or Grimy Gadgeteer proc on your Alley Armorsmith for the armor or on Acolyte of Pain if you really need to draw.

Against Control deck, it’s probably better to buff Soggoth the Slitherer to make it more difficult to deal with.

against more aggro decks, you will generally want to delay your buff cards a bit more to get your weapons, Ravaging Ghoul or Second-Rate Bruiser to control the board better.If aggro decks are really annoying, you could consider subbing Protect the King or Dirty Rat

And of course the classic Warrior combo cards Execute and Grommash Hellscream with Blood To IchorRavaging Ghoul and Slam as activators.

That’s all for me guys, this is my first try at theorycrafting a deck so if you got anything to say, suggestions, or any idea on what cards could be replaced here and there, dont hesitate to comment down below 🙂

Thanks for reading

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