Theoretical Rogue Turn-1 26dmg (Mark this is for you, I can’t get more than that)

Class: Rogue - Format: wild - Type: combo - Season: season-95 - Style: theorycraft

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This otk is made out of 15 cards (all those 10+ cost cards just mean they aren’t needed).

You must start second, in order to get the coin, and get the perfect hand after drawing. You play in sequence: The Coin, double Counterfeit Coin, Preparation, Scabbs Cutterbutter, Myra's Unstable Element, Foxy Fraud, Shadowstep on Scabbs Cutterbutter, Scabbs Cutterbutter again, double Efficient Octo-bot, Backstab on one of them, Ethereal Augmerchant on the other, double Garrote, Spellzerker, Shiv on Spellzerker.

The likelihood of pulling it of is, according to my calculations and without considering the fact you decide what to mulligan, 2×10^(-22), but at least it’s faster than the druid one 😉

*I just noticed it only does 26 damage, but if I changed the order I wouldn’t get to draw the last card… Let’s say it’s a semi-otk, as it would have worked with pre-nerf Garrote.

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