Sparkz’ – KFT Reno Shaman [Feat: Hallazeal & Lich King] (Season 41, Wild)

Class: Shaman - Format: wild - Type: control - Season: season-41 - Style: ladder

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Deck Basics

    This deck plays out in a similar fashion to that of standard control shaman, and other Reno decks. Here our healing comes from Hallazeal the Ascended and Reno Jackson instead of the normal Healing Wave. Snowfury Giant combos extremely well with the high overload board sweepers such of Lightning StormElemental Destruction, and Volcano. Playing any of those directly into a Snow Giant is almost as if you unloaded those mana crystals.

    For substitutes I suggest going with the most direct replacement as nearly all of these cards have direct replacements. Some of them such as Aya, Hallazeal, and N’zoth are not replaceable at all, and I highly suggest making sure you have cards like The Lich King and Snowfury Giant for this deck. For substitution notes this deck has exactly 6 deathrattles for perfect N’zoth line-up.

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  1. Keelshot2266
    August 15, 2017 at 7:34 am

    Cool idea! I have a Reno Druid of my own, and i wonder how are your matchups vs Reno Mage/Lock/Priest

    • Sparkz - Author
      August 15, 2017 at 8:00 am

      Druid or Shaman? Because my Reno Druid destroys Reno Mage/Lock/Priest (Jade Idol+Draw)
      As for this deck I haven’t met too many of them. The best so far has been against RenoLock worst was Reno Priest with N’zoth.

  2. Th3Expl0rer
    August 13, 2017 at 12:30 pm

    Just wondering, why Finley? What do you usually pick for hero power, since the shaman one is quite convinient.

    • Sparkz - Author
      August 13, 2017 at 3:29 pm

      Pretty much any of them except for Paladin or Hunter.
      Personally Warlock, Priest, Rogue and Mage are my personal favorites. Normally I base it off of what I will be needing over the course of the game if it is answers or threats.