Reno-Lock Un’goro Basis

Class: Warlock - Format: wild - Season: season-40

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Don’t worry about the cards with no text and the duplicate cards. Those are placeholders for whatever you like.

Suggestions for replacements:

Bloodbloom is used so you can do an early spell. You generally want to combo this with Twisting Nether.

Corrupting Mist is a slower board clear, but it’s a good spell against decks with high health minions.

Power Overwhelming is a card that is often paired with Leeroy Jenkins, but many of the decks that I looked at rarely had leeroy, so this is really only good for trading or Shadowflame.

Blastcrystal Potion is used for even more removal.

Tar Lurker is good if you want to stall the enemy on board, but I personally would rather play a Defender of Argus or Sunfury Protector.

Defender of Argus and Sunfury Protector are good if you need taunts to save face.

Golakka Crawler is great if you want to tech against pirates.

Zombie Chow is good if you want board control, or you can pair it up with sunfury or defender and get a quick taunt.

Mistress of Mixtures is used if you want more healing or board control against aggro decks.

Deathlord is an excellent anti-aggro card.

Gluttonous Ooze is great tech card against a lot of decks, since many run weapons.

Piloted Shredder and Kabal Courier are cards used to gain value. One in board pressure and the other through card generation.

Tar Creeper serves the same purpose as Tar Lurker, but is more of an anti-aggro card.

Antique Healbot is often used in Reno-Lock since it provides a large heal, and it can be combo’d with Brann for a late-game Healing Wave.

Sludge Belcher is good for stalling late game, since they have to get through both taunts.

N'Zoth, The Corruptor is great if you have ran a lot of deathrattles in your deck, and it allows you to win by board control, since most of the opponent’s resources will have run out by then.

Ragnaros the Firelord is good if you want straight value in your deck.

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