Quick Draw Rogue (Season 30 standard)

Class: Rogue - Format: kraken - Type: combo - Season: season-30 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

In General, early game is about drawing further into your deck but also countering your opponents low cost minions. Against Druid, Shaman, Mage I tend to keep an Eviscerate or Shadow strike (Flamewakers, Totem Golem, Fandral).

With the new Druid beast builds I always keep Backstab and sometimes Sap if no early removal (Eviscerate/SS) was in hand. Enchanted Raven/Druid of the saber and Mark of Y'Shaarj

If coin is in hand, I may hold onto a Xiril or Tomb pillager given my hand is curving out and I have Swashburglar and Huckster for turns 1 and 2

Hey guys,

First time posting a deck but I’ve come up with a deck that I think has potential but want to refine it and see what people think.

How the deck plays:

1) Early game 

    In the early game, I mulligan for draw cards (i.e. Swashbuckler, Undercity huckster, Shiv, etc.) and some damage spells depending on the class I’m facing (Druid, Shaman). This is to essentially slow down my opponents early minions and build up answers for mid game.

2) Mid game

    Using standard rogue removal cards and trying to set up threat cards (Tomb pillager, Xaril, Sylvanas, stolen cards). At this point I’m trying to use up spells to play Arcane Giant at a reduced cost. I like to couple Arcane Giant with Gang Up for the late game.

    Coins and low cost poisons can be used to combo a big Edwin out. You want to bait out your opponents removal before playing Giants. 

3) Late Game

    Once at this point this deck can easily steamroll. There are multiple win conditions and outs at this point:

Nzoth + Shadow step:  If enough deathrattle minions have been played this is a great combo against control decks. especially if a blood-thistle was gained from Xiril. Load the board with N’zoth, return it to your hand and rinse and repeat. 

Arcane Giant + Vanish: from mid game if I were able to Gang Up Arcane Giants and reduce the cost low enough. Being able to vanish your opponents board with high cost minions and replay your own for next to nothing will/has swung the game in my favour. If I have sap still in hand this is a great back up to remove a taunt so that multiple giants will slam into an opponent.

Yogg: Since the deck centers around many spells Yogg is the reset button in case things get hairy. Being able to cast off 12+ spells can clutch the game. I save this play if it looks like I’m about to lose or have few cards in hand.

I’ve had a ton of fun playing this deck and if anyone has some feedback it would be much appreciated.


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