Questline Totem Shaman – Fractured In Alterac Valley

Class: Shaman - Format: wild - Type: tempo - Season: season-96 - Style: ladder

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Cards you could squeeze in:

1. Elemental Destruction. It’s a more efficient board clear than Lightning Storm, but the payoff is only when you play it in the first part of the questline, when oveloaded mana crystals get unlocked. In the early game though, minions usually don’t exceed the three health threshold.

2. Hagatha the Witch. In the late game you might run out of spells, so you could get more with Hagatha’s hero power. I tried it, but it didn’t perform as I had expected. There’s already enough card generation, with Finders Keepers, Guidance and Instructor Fireheart. Edit: I put it back into the deck cause it’s wayyy more fun than Totem Goliath

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