Quest Hunter (Kobolds and Catacombs, February 2018)

Class: Hunter - Format: mammoth - Type: token - Season: season-47 - Style: fun

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    Ah, quest hunter. This deck has been around for quite some time now but has never really been able to amount to anything besides a meme deck. This deck did get a decent buff from KAC with Corridor Creeper, which punishes your opponents for trading with your 1-drops, and Dire Mole, a 1-drop with good stats. Even with the new nerf coming toward CC, it will still be just as viable in this deck as it will probably cost 0-4 mana around turns 3 & 4 which is exactly what we need to put even more pressure on the board.

    So now for the big question, is this deck good? NO. It really is not. Sure you can spam a lot of little minions down to gain board control but just falls off late game. Which really weakens this deck because finishing the quest is the biggest win condition so, if you don’t get a good hand, then you will not really be able to do anything mid-to-late game. Causing you to lose against pretty much any deck. However, if you can get early tempo onto the board and manage to finish your quest around turn 5-6  you can play Tundra Rhino and start smacking your opponent. 

    Besides that this deck is pretty much self-explanatory. Play the quest, spam 1-drops,  and then hopefully combo off with Knife Juggler, Tundra Rhino, Scavenging Hyena, or all 3. This is my first decklist on this site so I’m sorry for it being so crappy.

    Just a bonus note but, I’ve been trying To replace Animal Companion with Spell Breaker to deal with cube-lock, or Kill Command because it’s Kill Command. However,  Animal Companion is just too good in this deck with Leokk and Huffer. What do you guys think is best for this decks success?

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  1. ZEeoN
    April 17, 2018 at 4:33 pm

    Interested in this deck, can anyone imagine this might work with Dollmaster Dorian or a similar card? I think this just needs a little more pressure, not sure if that’s the way to do it though…

  2. -Bandit-
    February 11, 2018 at 9:55 am

    Well deck list is nicely put together, but you just can’t pull consistent victories with this deck archetype. You get free minions with “cool ability” to draw a card and with that draw you get a 1drop(that you need for quest), which are no match for enemy late game minions.