Pirate Rogue

Class: Rogue - Format: raven - Type: tempo - Season: season-61

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I tried to make the best aggro rogue deck and it seems that pirates are getting better and better thanks to draw 3 cards for 3 mana spell Raiding Party. Where Rogue struggles are the weapons. The choice is currently between Perdition’s blade and Necrium blade, I think +1 attack is better than 2dmg combo because of Dread Corsair and Bloodsail Raider synergies. 

The deck relies on tempo gain from playing a minion on Turn 1 and using the tempo from weapon synergy and Sharkfin Fan,  Hench-Clan Thug.

One unusual addition is Waterboy which practically gives you a free 2/1 on turn 2 which is usually “wasted ” on hero power.

I did not included more draw than Raiding Party since I believe once you get to later stages (Turn 10+) of the game you will inevitably run out of steam. Myra’s could be added as well but that would lead to more changes to the deck e.g. inclusion of Preparation, Eviscerate and Sap which would make it more of a tempo/midrange deck.

EDIT: Spellbreaker removed in favour of Captain Hooktusk. I considered removing one of Raiding Parts spells instead of Spellbreaker which is also an option.

Also changed the deck to tempo given this change.

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    April 5, 2019 at 3:02 am

    You probably should include Hootusk as a reload and last minute finish. I understand you want to end the game early but it doesn’t hurt to have one reload available. Even Murloc shaman has the likes of underbelly angler and witch’s cauldron as a potential reload. I know those work in those kinds of decks but i’m not sure pirate has the juice Murlocs have to close the game out early hence why you should have at least one late game finisher outside of the typical Leeroy.

    • Nekyno - Author
      April 5, 2019 at 3:19 am

      Good idea. I haven’t even considered her at all. The only downside I see is when you draw her early or from the Raiding party.But I agree the downside is smaller than the upside of having her at turn 8.

      In regards to murloc comparison I think this deck should be a bit more resilient to board clear despite Shaman having Coldlight Seer, Rockpool Hunter and the new 2 Mana give deathrattle spell.

      Mirror match could be interesting, I feel the weapon might make a big difference. A lot will depend on the start.