Odd Priest Featuring Shellfighter

Class: Priest - Format: raven - Type: combo - Season: season-58 - Style: fun

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General Mulligans

Generally you're looking for early taunts, card draw minions, and buffs to fight for early board.

Aggro Mulligans

Your hero power can buy you time and help you recover from face damage once you have some of your taunts in place.

Harrison can be considered a keep against secret hunter for eaglehorn bow since you will need to interact with the secrets eventually.

Control Mulligans

Harrison is a keep against cubelock. Otherwise you're just looking to establish a moderate board that can threaten surprise lethal.

The primary win condition is to build a board slowly by using your hero power to maintain your board. Then, either through a combination of glitter moth and void ripper or just void ripper, flip high health to high attack and swing for lethal.

Inner fire is a secondary win condition, but don’t be afraid to play it if it enables excellent value trades or sets up lethal over multiple turns.

Stormwatcher is a threat on its own and usually sticks to the board (barring board clears) thanks to the taunts on board.

Master Oakheart and Bwonsamdi are comebacks after the opponent successfully clears your board, which, given the low attack and high health of your minions, should only be equality shenanigans, scream, or destroy all/almost all minion effects like twisting or brawl. Bwonsamdi only helps you recover if you’ve shuffled minions over the course of the game, so don’t play Bwonsamdi just to draw natural 1 drops unless you have a shellfighter on board and plan to play the spirit as well.

Shellfighter is a key card to maintaining your board, since it allows you to focus your hero power on one minion to maintain three. A shellfighter guarding a spirit almost guarantees you’ll shuffle a 1-cost shellfighter.

Flex cards:

  • 1 Acolyte of Pain
  • 1 Extra Arms
  • Harrison Jones

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