Midrange Pure Paladin

Class: Paladin - Format: dragon - Type: midrange - Season: season-68 - Style: theorycraft

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You need to curve well with this list. Your main objective is to have a strong play every turn and to try to finish the game around turn 9, with the help of Tirion and/or Lightforged Crusader.

The cards listed here have interesintg synergies that can win the early game for you. Crystology and Sandwasp Queen can both boost your Brazen Zealot or you Rughteous Cause. Micro Mummy, while it helps with that too, is always a strong play by itself, since the opponent will always try to deal with it asap and if they don't manage to do that it ends up giving you more stats on the board.

It's also interesting to note that the list has other mech synergies, present in Sky Claw and Annoy-o-module.

A Theorycraft list for the upcoming expansion “Descent of Dragons”. The Objective of the deck is to play on curve and finish the game with the extra gas provided from Lightforged Crusader. Tirion can also be a good finisher, since it’s hard for the opponent to deal if they don’t have silence. Even if they manage to kill it, they end up giving you a 5/3 weapon to finish things off. 

We have a flex slot in “Righteousness”, you can trade it with any other paladin card you think would fit well with your play style. The idea behind Rightousness itself is to help you on contesting the board against another midrange or aggressive deck.

Glowstone technician is here mainly because we don’t have a lot of other strong plays for T5, but Crystology and Sandwasp Queen helps with this sinergy, giving you more stuff to buff.

This deck can be a great idea to try out on the first week of the expansion, since it’s really cheap. This way if you have the cards on your collection you can wait for the meta to stabilize before crafting anything. You can also replace Tirion for another card if you don’t have it, to make the list even more budget friendly. Only remember that Lightforged Crusader and Lightforged Zealot requires a Pure Paladin deck in order to activate. With all that being said, try to remember to don’t craft anything too expansive on the first days of the expansion and have fun out there, thanks for reading. 

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