Legend N’Zoth Jade Control Shaman

Class: Shaman - Format: mammoth - Type: control - Season: season-38 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

In general you're looking for Fire Fly Flame-tongue, It's by far the strongest turn 1-2 opener. Jade Claws are also really strong as well. And I always keep volcano if I'm against a potentially aggressive deck, especially if I have coin.

Aggro Mulligans

Fire Fly, Flame, and Jade Claws are the top 3 anti aggro cards early game. Volcano and Lighting storm are good backup if you lose the board

Midrange Mulligans

Pretty much same as aggro, Volcano wins games especially against Mid range Paladin

Combo Mulligans

Against Combo decks like priest keep Hex

Against Combo decks like Mage keep Eater of Secrets

Control Mulligans

If you know you're facing a control deck 100% you can keep bigger cards, I always mulligan for an aggressive early game. Since you almost never really know what type of deck you're facing when you mulligan it's always better to have early game answers.

Example: Paladin could be playing control, Mid-range or Aggro

Played this deck strictly from rank 5 to legend! below were the notes I recorded while playing, each game I lost I wrote down what I though when wrong and why I lost, ended up going 57-35.


I found this deck does really well against Aggro Druid, Control Warrior, Pirate Warrior, Paladin, Mid-range Paladin, Hunter and Priest. (Never faced 1 Warlock)

I struggled Hard facing Mages, until I spec in 2 Eater of secrets and my win-loss ratio started to get less terrible. I found Mage was one of my most played match-ups while climbing, and the subbing 2 secret eaters didn’t seem to effect my other match-ups  against other classes much as well.

Best Match-up is any control deck worst match-up by far is Quest Rogue


-Took to much face damage from not clearing the board
-Bad Hand and lost to an unleash the hounds combo + 2 kill commands to the face

Win -7
-Jade Druid- got out-valued
-Aggro Druid, Lost to a win-fury adapt combo
-Needed volcano bad- lost to the 2end living roots

-Secret Mage, Played around secrets to hard
-Secret Mage, Played around secrets well- Lost to burn from not enough healing
(Replacing Devolve and Harrison for 2 heal+6)
-Secret Mage, Ran out of Cards in Hand, Played around secrets well but lost tempo when hand went empty
(Needed Volcano Bad)
-Quest mage, filled board with to many totems to play cards and overdrew
-Burn Mage- Overdrew, burned up Aya and died from lack of healing
-Played like a retard ran out of value in hand, didn’t spirit echo value minions when i could have
-Lost to burn dmg- Alex @30 hp into 15 dmg burn, didn’t draw healing
Test(cutting 1 Jinyo and 1 hot for all healing for 2 Secret eaters)
-Played into a mirror entity hard died from burn
-Burn Mage, controlled board whole lost to Alex into burn
-Could Have won, filled board with minions, couldn’t play secret eater, died to burn
-Unlucky volcano, died to tempo loss on a Medihv

– Midrange Paladin -Lost Tempo Mid game in minions and board control-Poped Spirit echo to early(on Elise)
(Needed Volcano Bad)
-Murlok Paladin- Lost tempo early game to a war-leader- used a 4 dmg burn on 1 3-3 murlok
(Needed Volcano Bad)
-Murlok Paladin- Got outtempoed late game by war leaders
-Worst Draw possible
-Lost tempo early game, died to face dmg, couldn’t recover
(Needed volcano badly)
-Murlock Paladin
(Lost tempo died to murlock aggro)

-Lost Tempo hard and died to dragons, Carine got hexed, played early game to passively

pirate warrior-got beat down by weapons and minions- look for turn 1-2 if going first
Control Warrior- Lost to Gore-howl clearing minions over and over, mistaken it for pirate warrior early lost board control completely overdrew volcano, spirit echoed a bunch of garbage cards
Pirate warrior-Misplayed Hexs and lost tempo in the mid game
-Pirate warrior- Face dmg

-Elemental Shaman- Unlucky Volcano and BAD RNG
-Out curved by Jade and elementals
-Out curved by Jade +Had garbage Hand
(Test-replacing Alex Wuju and storm Axe, for pirates)
-Control Shaman- (didn’t play around aoe early game lost to an unanswered Yesera)
-Bad hand, lost to evolve shaman blood-lust
-Got out valued by spirit echo, and had N’zoth devolved and fell behind in Jade Value

– Miracle Rogue – Questing Adventure became a 12-12 -Keep Hex or dmg in hand

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