Infinite Taunt Undatakah 2.0 (SoU)

Class: Paladin - Format: dragon - Type: combo - Season: season-65 - Style: fun

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Deck Import

1st Step: Draw all your deck

2nd Step: Summon all the minions except Da Undatakah and Sunfury Protector (Inclusive Shirvallah, the Tiger if cost >8)

3th Step: Summon Undatakah and pray for the next Deathrattle secuence:
 Immortal Prelate -> Bloodmage Thalnos ->Blatant Decoy
Then play Sunfury Protector

So, what happen? You have a 8/5 minion with taunt, when it die, shuffle into the deck (Immortal Prelate), then you draw a card (Bloodmage Thalnos), your deck is empty, so always you draw Undatakah with Taunt, and summon the lowest minion from your hand (Blatant Decoy) = Infinite Taunt

Of course, that so meme and so complicated, you can change any card in the deck except the combo cards and you can’t put another deathrattle

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