Galakrond Heroic Boss Deck List – Galakrond’s Awakening Chapter 4

Class: Mage - Style: adventure-mode

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This boss does not play nice, so we didn’t either. Not only does it have 150 hit points to work with, but it can also casually drop 20 stats on the board on turn 1 with a Disciple of Galakrond? Plus a two-mana Flik Skyshiv effect as its hero power? Well, we just had to go with the same sort of Mage OTK deck we’ve featured in one of the previous wings, with a few changes made to improve your chances of success. Since Doomsayers are worthless against Galakrond’s weaponry and hero power, and Ice Barriers offer no more coverage than a fig leaf would, we cut them for Freezing Potions, Zephrys the Great and one copy of Primordial Glyph. Reduce the cost of five combo pieces and you’ll be ready to nuke the ur-dragon from orbit in no time.

Check out decks & guides for other Heroic Bosses here!

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