Dream Rogue

Class: Rogue - Format: raven - Type: control - Season: season-51 - Style: fun

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General Mulligans

these 8 cards are what you are going to want to see in your hand on the draw. They help you setup your early game board control as well as generating cards for late game combos/board control

Aggro Mulligans

If these 4 wind up in your game, try to press hard for early damage on their hero. use your weapon to clear any minions and to pump up your Thug while hitting face with your minions. Once you can't keep minions off with just your weapon I would think about starting to conserve for late game.

Midrange Mulligans

if you know you not playing vs a aggro deck having a couple of these cards will allow you set up a threatening mid game that if not dealt with can give you an easy win

Combo Mulligans

most of your combo effects are focused on removal and card generators.

I have VanCleef in the deck as a option for a large mid-late game body to at worst draw out hard cc or at best deliver some nice pressure from a large body minion that we really don't have besides a couple dragons and a worgen. I often don't pump him past 6/6 or 8/8 but if you want to save your 1 drops you can get him rather beefy. Though it would probably be better using those 1 drops for other early game combos.

Face Collector can be a double edged sword, you can get a legendary that gives you a free win or you get one that is quite useless and costs you a loss because you wasted your round filling your hand with junk. You could replace him but I have him in for some chaotic flavor and the potential value for late game.

Control Mulligans

If you know you will need early game control these are your weapons, Hallucination and Blink fox can generate powerful board removal your class simply lacks. shadow blade and SI:7 Agent and your hero power will be able to ping down most early-mid game threats while you fill your hand with late game potential.

The Dream Rogue is just a fun Odd rogue concept focusing on the end of turn mechanic to create a sort of control mid range rogue that either wants to finish the game early with damage from your hero power, weapons, and low drops like Hench-Clan ThugEdwin VanCleef and SI:7 Agent or delay to late game using those same cards plus cards like Vilespine Slayer Worgen Abomination Fan of Knives Assassinate to stall out to late game where you are capable of summoning several powerful legendarys from Face Collector to multiple Ysera with help from Faceless Manipulator and Mimic Pod. This deck gives you a surprising amount of flexibility.

With Blink Fox and Hallucination you will often want to grab cards that are either geared towards board control or board sustain. You only really want to hit face if you know you can keep tempo on the board, you’re late-game is powerful so if you are not about to beat your opponent by turn 6 you may as well play the long game.

You don’t need to save Drakkari Enchanter or Faceless Manipulator for a big Ysera card draw ( I’ve managed to get 6 Ysera cards in 1 turn so far with a potential for 8 in a turn. ) All these cards have been picked for High synergy. You can use these 2 cards to boost any of your End of turn cards. Sometimes you will need to combine them with cards like Worgen Abomination or Cobalt Scalebane to either gain powerful board clear if you’re behind or a bonus to mid game tempo if you are ahead! They act as boons to double the power of your End of turn effects and don’t forget Faceless Manipulator works on your opponents minions as well! add Assassinate or Vilespine Slayer and your enemys greatest card now becomes his greatest threat!

Decks that will give you trouble are going to be aggro paladin decks especially odd pally. Focus on high value trades if you lose board control by turn 4  you need to draw the game into end game where you can have a chance with Ysera and legendarys  Face Collector and Hallucination your only real hope for a finisher. HARD

Shaman will also give you trouble, his board removal will most likely prevent any prolonged board control. But if you can make him waste them in the early-mid game you can have a relatively  easy late game. and Shudderwock decks will beat you late game unless they mess up and lose their Shudderwock. MEDIUM/HARD

Druid is still to be determined. I have not played against enough to really say, for now I don’t see him as a threat, you can deal pretty well with token druid and hand druid can be really strong if he has the right cards or a wash if he doesn’t. MEDIUM

Priest can be either a breeze if your cards line up where you can play early game minions for tempo and eliminate his board control. Or you don’t have the right cards at the right time and he grows a 20/20 minion to eat your face. But the 1st option is more often the case. EASY/MEDIUM

Warrior Most warriors I’m playing against right now are running taunt decks which you deal very well against, you can kill any of his minions that come out and if he get saufarus you usually have him low enough already where the game ends before he can use his hero power to clean you up. Though if he can keep you from gaining tempo you’re late game could spell trouble. EASY

Hunter is a pretty easy matchup, spell hunter loses to your constant weapon damage and late game can’t remove your Ysera if he blew his removal early. Any other hunter I’ve faced couldn’t keep board control and eventually loses to your late game. EASY

Mage may be your best match-up. you can out tempo anything elemental Mage puts out. Ice mage doesn’t effect as much since your end of turn effects still trigger. You can also steal alot of powerful cc and legendarys  from Mage that can allow you to easily dominate. I have not lost vs a Mage yet. EASY/PZ

Warlock TBD I’ve only played 2 games vs a warlock so far, 1 didn’t get to complete but was winning vs a cube lock. Second game I won vs a discard lock. I would put him at a Easy/Medium if I had to use just this data. although it can be easy once you gain a lead you have to make very judicial choices in how you play your early game. I feel as if you lose it vs a lock and he still has cards you won’t be able to come back.

This deck isn’t competitive and will lose vs any high ranked ladder decks. I’ve gained a couple ranks with this but I wouldn’t choose it to climb. it’s biggest strength is that nobody is really running a odd rogue like this (Most odd Rogues are pure aggro) so they end up blowing high value board removal on minions that are not really there for anything other than to stall for late game.

Cards you can sub out: Edwin VanCleef Shrieking Shroom Vilespine Slayer 1or 2 Mimic Pod Fire Fly and Worgen Abomination but worgen and very effective as a late game board clear so I keep him in, with Faceless Manipulator or Drakkari Enchanter he’s a free flamestrike to any damaged minion each end turn, combo with Fan of Knives or SI:7 Agent for an instant effect.

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