Death and Taxes

Class: Paladin - Format: wild - Season: season-50

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I love to play the Modern format Death and Taxes decks in Magic the Gathering, so I decided to make a version in Hearthstone. It doesn’t work exactly like the DnT decks in MTG, but it has a similar strategy. You basically are slowing down your opponent while you build up your board and repeatedly swing at them. What I love about the deck so far is it completely hoses Mill Rogue. A lot of times they just concede before I even kill them with my minions. I’m still tweaking the deck but this is what I have come up with so far. Rebuke is awesome! You shut down your opponent’s creature plays with Mana Wraith and Nerub’ar Weblord and then pop a Rebuke and now they can’t play creatures or spells around Turn 3 or Turn 4. It really makes your opponent have a bad day and ruins their plans. I don’t think a lot of people expect to see Rebuke played. Once they finally drop a big baddie on the board, guess what? It gets Dark Convictioned. Too bad so sad! Divine Favor works really well in the deck because you are playing lots of creatures and spells and your opponent can’t do anything so they usually have a hand full of cards they can’t use and then you play Divine Favor and get more gas! Nerubian Unraveler has some nonbo synergy going on, but she works really well against spell heavy opponents. She is another minion most people don’t expect to see. Dancing Swords has combo synergy with Divine Favor and it has tempo. You can drop it for fairly cheap on the board and get a few swings in and also keep the board clear. Even if your opponent draws a card, who cares? They will be so taxed they won’t be able to play the card they drew. 

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  1. Santi4
    June 18, 2019 at 12:49 pm

    Great idea! I like DnT from MTG too. I propose add Loatheb and Mojimaster Zihi and remove 2 equality copies (basicaly becouse it was nerfed and it’s not necessari if you play DnT).