Darkest Hour Phylactery Warlock

Class: Warlock - Format: wild - Season: season-93

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Hi I’m Altron, I only play Warlock decks 24/7. I love building new decks and silly strategies. Today, silly strategy is a major understatement.

Darkest Hour has been long gone since it’s glory days. However, I think the new cards brought a little life back to the deck post nerf.

Here is my list, I’ve been playing it comfortably at diamond level, but it is surprisingly good against Ignite Mage and Face Hunter (if you manage to get a good hand). 

Alarm-O-Bot is immediate value. Coin it in on turn 2 to summon a giant threat out of your hand far earlier than you should be allowed to. At the very least, it warrants immediate removal from the opponent, otherwise the game will close out very early.

Wicked Shipment is an auto include. Cheapest imp generation in the game, and it’s tradable to ensure you can find the correct cards for your combo.

Robes of Protection, helps make your board completely unable to be interacted with. Hit Robes and Mal’Ganis with Darkest Hour, and most Mages or Hunters are going to be forced to concede (they cannot target your hero or minions with spells)! Occasionally, things like Flamestrike might still get through your board, so be prepared to win the game with Phylactery if Mage somehow blows you out.

Humongous Owl, is the newest addition to the deck. Great 1 of card, and it can open up an OTK with Phylactery + Plague Of Flames + Imps.

Tamsin’s Phylactery, is the big new enabler for the deck. Copy all your broken deathrattles if your opponent somehow answers your giant board. Give a bunch of imps game winning deathrattles and Plague of Flames all of them away for immediate OTK if you copy Humongous Owl.

Finally, we have Felfire in the Hole!, which helps stabilize the board whilst fetching through your spells and helping you assemble your big combo (Bloodbloom + Imp Spell + Darkest Hour).

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