CrypticMumbleOwl’s Kazakus Demonlock

Class: Warlock - Format: mammoth - Type: control - Season: season-44

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Deck Import


General Mulligans

  1. Misstress of Mixtures, to maximize card advantage while minimizing the damage dealt by drawing cards. Also solid 1 cost stats.
  2. Void Walker, as a good early starter to help you take a first look at your opponent's hand.
  3. Gnomeferatu, a solid 2-drop that can turn the tables with a lucky discard. Also helps with determining what you're playing against by looking at the discarded card.
  4. Twilight Drake, your go-to non-aggro early game.

Aggro Mulligans

  1. Mortal Coil, that deals with aggressive early game minions like patches, and alleycats.
  2. Mistress of Mixtures, for trading.
  3. Void Walker, good 1 mana taunt that can deal with most of its' counterparts.
  4. Defile, a cheap board clear.
  5. Doomsayer, for stalling and denying early game aggro.
  6. Kazakus, only if you have at least one of the other recommended cards, or you're confident you can answer your opponent 'till turn 4.  Kazakus' 5 cost potion can create one of the biggest power-spikes against an aggressive opponent, it can either be a board clear with healing or a board clear with tempo.
  7. Drain Soul, for damage + heal.

Midrange Mulligans

  1. Shadowbolt, which is key to shutting down a specific minion like a mana worm, or a frothing berseker.
  2. Tar Creeper, which is a good answer to threats that appear after turn 2.
  3. Twilight Drake, which can compete with most minions that are dropped on turn 3-4, goes well with the coin.

Control Mulligans

  1. Dirty Rat,  keeping him for the right moment can be devastating. (Bringing down a Priest's Raza down, or an Exodia Mage's Sorcerer's Aprrentice or Antonidas, or punishing a doomsayer play.)
  2. Gnomeferatu, a solid 2-drop. She pressures the opponent to answer her while discarding something that isn't restricted to minions, like a Death Knight card.
  3. Twilight Drake, for early game pressure, one of the hardest minions to remove turn 5. Followed up by a Faceless Shambler almost guarantees an early game in your favor.
  4. Mountain Giant, like Twilight Drake, goes well with the coin.

My contribution to the Warlock Class, this highlander control deck uses the effects of Kazakus and the demon synergy between Krul the Unshackled and Bloodreaver Gul’dan to make it into the late game and create a powerful, colorful and persistent board pressence, by taking powerful demons with negative side-effects, and removing the side effects with Krul and Gul’dan’s Death Knight. This deck is also sprinkled with a couple tricks and aces up its sleeve against combo reliant decks, with the use of Gnomeferatu and Dirty Rat (+ Potential Bounce with Youthful Brewmaster.)

What seperates this deck from the other demonlock decks is the use of Felguard and Lakkari Felhound, and the use of Sense Demons to collect the demons needed for the turn 9 Krul.

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