60% Winrate Control Hunter

Class: Hunter - Format: raven - Type: control - Season: season-50

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General Mulligans

You want to get out on the board early, try to establish a presence, and take it from there.  Lots of aggro out there right now so establishing a board early is key to your survival.

Aggro Mulligans

Aggro is this deck's biggest weakness.  That being said, if you can stabilize early, then you'll have a much better chance to swing the game in your favor.  Early taunts are crucial, as well as your weapons to trade efficiently with early minions.

Control Mulligans

Against control, essentially the same principle applies as aggro. You need to get a significant board presence early.  However, you can afford to be a bit more greedy with your mulligan, and I always keep Azalina Soulthief OR Deathstalker Rexxar, as their abilities are what allow you to snowball a victory against Control decks.

I know, I know: Control hunter can’t work. I’ve heard it since I started playing Hearthstone a few years ago.  But I don’t like to take no for an answer.  This deck is the most fun deck I’ve ever played, and it’s actually surprisingly effective against other control decks, even the heavy hitters like Cubelock, Spiteful Druid, etc.  The magic of it is the surprise factor.  No one expects Control hunter.

Notable Interactions:

Azalina Soulthief is best played when you have little or no other cards in hand.  When you have her, first try to dump your hand as best as you can on turns before playing her; this will maximize her effect.  Note that she is likely to be a dead card when you are up against aggro, as you really don’t want to trade your control tools for aggro trash.

Vicious Scalehide and Dire Frenzy make a really excellent turn 6 play.  You heal for 4, probably take out a minion, and shuffle 3 4/6 Lifesteal Rush Beasts into your deck.  In a pinch, Vicious Scalehide can be played early into an Aggro flood, but this is not optimal.  Dire Frenzy can also be used on any suitable Zombeasts you’ve managed to create if drawn later in the game.

Deathstalker Rexxar is an incredibly versatile card that I believe has been severely underrated.  This card has single-handedly won me many games, due to the card advantage of creating Zombeasts every turn, and the raw power potential of some of the Zombeasts.  You’ll likely be looking for Lifesteal minions, though there are also some interesting board clears such as Exploding Bloatbat with Vilebrood Skitterer.  The sky’s the limit on powerful combinations.

The Lich King is a powerful taunt that provides some RNG based utility through the generated Death Knight cards.  Not essential in the deck, and can easily be replaced with some other late game power if you don’t have him.

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  1. Phil Rostler
    May 24, 2018 at 3:50 pm

    What a fun deck!!! Tried it for an excuse to use Azalina and was not dissapointed. First game I used her to swap hands with a control warrior and take and then kill him with his own Sulfuras. 10/10, will definitely play this deck again!

    • Sonofares - Author
      May 25, 2018 at 5:41 pm

      Glad you like it, Control hunter is so much fun isn’t it! No one expects it haha

  2. Victorious
    May 22, 2018 at 10:27 am

    Countess Ashmore might be worth considering if you plan on using Dire Frenzy on vicious scalehide in order to draw 2 scalehides.

    • Sonofares - Author
      May 23, 2018 at 6:07 pm

      You are probably right, that would make a good combo. However those are mainly in there for some emergency healing, and for some counter to mill decks. Great suggestion though! 😀

  3. Dewbacca
    May 22, 2018 at 6:00 am

    I have been playing the previous deck you put up, i think it was you anyway and i am having a blast. My winrate is about 50% after playing around 10 games.

    Azalina soulthied is great is matchups against warlock, i think i have won every game against them thanks to her.

    I will apply these chanhes and see if i can get a bit better with the deck. Thanks so much!

    • Sonofares - Author
      May 23, 2018 at 6:06 pm

      This is the first deck I’ve ever posted here (or online at all!) but yes, Azalina is definitely the star of the deck. Love her against other control decks.

  4. Nickname23
    May 21, 2018 at 8:31 pm

    Looks very cool! Card choices make sense to me (maybe second explosive trap?!?)

    Something I considered, when Houndmaster Shaw has been released, was putting him in a list with Master Oakheart. Haven’t done it yet, but maybe that’s the list for it.

    I’m going to try it out today!
    Thanks for the list! 🙂

    • Sonofares - Author
      May 21, 2018 at 10:35 pm

      No problem man. Thanks glad you like it, probably another Explosive Trap would be good, especially in this meta.

      • Nickname23
        May 23, 2018 at 10:09 pm

        I’ve tested it. (with Oakheart Package)
        I don’t know what to say else than it’s a blast to play and I didn’t think it is that good.
        You know it’s not a meme, if you first outcontrol a Murloc Paladin, then a Spell Hunter, and top it off with a W against a Big Spell Mage in fatigue in one of my longest games ever. (We both drew DK very late, I shuffled 3 Raptor Hatchling/Stoneskin Basilisk – Zombeasts with Dire Frenzy)

        If you don’t mind I will post my list after refinement and give credits to you?

        • Danton
          May 24, 2018 at 2:07 am

          Could you detail the “oakheart package” ? Sounds good

          • Nickname23
            May 24, 2018 at 3:34 am

            Without Azalina, but with HM Shaw, currently 1 Witchwood Grizzly, 2 Giant Wasps. And C. Ashmore as one of the MvPs. I don’t play Tar Creeper. Meta is not aggressive right now, Sonofares posted the list, when Even Paladin was a thing. 😀
            I’m 10 -3 fom R. 5 -3 right know. Meta is unrefined and the deck has surprise factor obviously, but still, the list is no joke.

        • Sonofares - Author
          May 25, 2018 at 5:43 pm

          I don’t mind at all, I’ll check your page to see that list myself, sounds awesome!

        • BigSausagePizza
          May 28, 2018 at 9:49 pm

          Would you mind sharing a code or posting the Oakheart version please? Sounds very interesting and definitely a blast to play

          • Nickname23
            May 30, 2018 at 8:12 pm

            sorry for being a bit late, have been busy this week.
            You can now find the last version I played on my account, code is:
