Anti-meta ​Shields Paladin

Class: Paladin - Format: raven - Type: midrange - Season: season-49 - Style: ladder

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Anti-meta Midrange ​Shields Paladin

​This is a deck that is based of the idea of divine shields and their interactions with cards. The main focus of the deck is blood knight and it is very anti-meta right now as it stops shudderwok and both odd/even paladin (It takes away the combos from pally and has enough early gas to pump right past sudderwok decks). 

Shield + Taunt = Annoying. Use that to your advantage.

This is my first deck description so I just put it in notes form. Try out the deck and use some of the combos. 

Got any suggestions? Let me know in the comments. This deck is very open to changes but the principle combos and ideas are very anti-meta right now so I decided to post it. 


-Has good early game, good midrange then closes out with control

-Based off the mechanic of getting shielded taunts early to stop aggro, then playing bigger midrange minions to close the game before late game
-Weak against silence
-Anti-meta deck.
Combos and Card Choices:
-A big combo against control to turn this into an aggro deck is call to arms then blood Knight as the only low cost minions all have shields
-Blessing of wisdom is used for my own card draw but also stops aggro dead in its tracks as they will likely not give you the card advantage if you bless their turn 1 face hitter.
-Avenging Wrath is a great board clear or finisher depending on where you need it
-7 mana 5/6 with heals is a big body with desperate heals
90% win rate against shudderwok
90% win rate against rogue (Idk what kind, i just see it sometimes)
75% win rate against even paladin
75% win rate against combo priest
75% win rate against even midrange hunter
70% win rate against odd paladin
50% win rate against even face hunter
50% win rate against cube lock

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