Rogue decks usually synergize heavily with their combo based mechanics. Rogue is known for burst styled decks that can end the game from high levels of Health. Rogue’s Hero Power is one of the most efficient, getting two possible damage for only two mana.


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Rogue Cards

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Deck Arcane Dust Updated Score

Dog’s Un’Goro Caverns Below Rogue – #1 Legend (April 2017, Season 37)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-37 - Archetype: Quest Rogue - Player: Dog
8,200 7 years ago 198

Eloise’s Rank 1 Legend Sherazin Miracle Rogue (April 2017, Season 37)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-37 - Archetype: Miracle Rogue - Player: Eloise
9,760 7 years ago 101

Asmodai’s #1 Legend Aggro/Tempo Rogue (September 2017)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-42 - Archetype: Tempo Rogue - Player: Asmodai
12,400 7 years ago 90

Updated: Mryagut’s Legend Vanish Valeera Miracle Rogue (September 2017)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-42 - Archetype: Miracle Rogue - Player: MrYagut
8,340 7 years ago 85

Dog’s 50 – 0 Wild Odd Rogue – June 2018

Format: wild - Style: ladder - Season: season-51 - Archetype: Odd Rogue - Player: Dog
10,680 6 years ago 79

Elemental Rogue Deck List Guide – October 2017

Format: mammoth - Style: meta-deck - Archetype: Elemental Rogue - Player: Martian
9,640 7 years ago 67

Carrottopguyy’s Deathrattle Tempo Rogue (August 2016, Season 29)

Format: kraken - Style: ladder - Season: season-29
4,680 8 years ago 63

Gyong’s #1 Legend Asia – Miracle Rogue (January 2018)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-46 - Archetype: Miracle Rogue - Player: Gyong
9,040 6 years ago 60

Kranich’s #1 Legend Aggro Prince Rogue (September 2017)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-42 - Archetype: Tempo Rogue - Player: Kranich
10,300 7 years ago 60

ShtanUdachi’s Malygos Rogue (September 2016, Season 30)

Format: kraken - Style: ladder - Season: season-30 - Archetype: Malygos Rogue - Player: ShtanUdachi
9,680 8 years ago 58

DisguisedToast’s KFT Giants Death Knight Miracle Rogue

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-41 - Player: DisguisedToast
11,640 7 years ago 52

Updated: Mryagut’s Aggro Tempo Rogue – Top 5 Legend (September 2017)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-42 - Archetype: Tempo Rogue - Player: MrYagut
12,400 7 years ago 47

Jambre’s Legend Pirate Weapon Rogue – 70% Winrate to Legend (November 2017)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-44 - Player: Jambre
9,080 6 years ago 47

Feno’s Red Mana Wyrm Miracle Rogue (December 2016, Season 33)

Format: kraken - Style: ladder - Season: season-33 - Player: Feno
5,480 7 years ago 46

C0ntrolBoy’s #6 Legend Elemental Tempo Rogue (October 2017)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-43
11,320 7 years ago 44

Tempo Rogue – Early #7 Legend (J_Alexander) – Uldum Doom

Format: dragon - Style: ladder - Season: season-68 - Archetype: Tempo Rogue - Player: Stonekeep
6,080 4 years ago 44

Rdu’s Aggro Pirate Murloc Rogue (February 2017, Season 35)

Format: kraken - Style: ladder - Season: season-35 - Player: Rdu
8,360 7 years ago 44

Mryagut’s Legend Pirate Miracle Rogue (December 2016, Season 33) – Mean Streets of Gadgetzan

Format: kraken - Style: ladder - Season: season-33 - Archetype: Miracle Rogue - Player: MrYagut
8,520 7 years ago 44

Rufeng’s Aggro Pirate Rogue – Rank 1 Legend (CN) – Mean Streets of Gadgetzan

Format: kraken - Style: ladder - Season: season-33 - Archetype: Aggro Pirate Rogue
6,640 7 years ago 43

Pavel’s Malygos Miracle Rogue – Hearthstone World Championship Top-8 (BlizzCon 2016)

Format: kraken - Style: tournament - Season: season-32 - Archetype: Malygos Rogue - Player: Pavel
9,680 7 years ago 41

J4CKIE’s Elemental Rogue (July 2017, Season 40)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-40 - Archetype: Jade Rogue - Player: J4CKIECHAN
6,940 7 years ago 40

Pavel’s Tempo Rogue – HCT Summer Championship 2017

Format: mammoth - Style: tournament - Season: season-43 - Archetype: Tempo Rogue - Player: Pavel
14,380 7 years ago 39

RB8647poke’s Jade Rogue – Top 10 Legend (March 2017, Season 36)

Format: kraken - Style: ladder - Season: season-36 - Archetype: Jade Rogue
6,940 7 years ago 39

Rage’s #1 Legend Tempo Rogue (January 2018)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-46 - Archetype: Tempo Rogue - Player: Rage
11,560 6 years ago 39

Xzirez’s Pirate Miracle Rogue (December 2016, Season 33) – Mean Streets of Gadgetzan

Format: kraken - Style: ladder - Season: season-33 - Archetype: Miracle Rogue - Player: Xzirez
8,460 7 years ago 37
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