[Wild] Mecha’thun Rogue

Class: Rogue - Format: wild - Type: combo - Season: season-77 - Style: fun

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Because card draw!


I’ve been thinking of triggering Mecha'thun with Rogue since Mecha'thun was released, as a Rogue main who just loves Mecha'thun. The recent addition of Secret Passage gave me a new idea and, by far, it’s the most consistent one. In my humble opinion, it’s an opportunity to look at Secret Passage from a different angle. It brings several opportunities to this deck, not including the most common one – insane resource finder. So, let me share with you my pride, my precious.

The main idea – the combo

What we are trying to do is to kill reduced by Anka, the Buried Mecha'thun when having: an empty deck, Wild Pyromancer on the board with one health remaining (just cast any spell beforehand), no other 2+ health minions on the board; and playing Secret Passage. Wild Pyromancer gets rid of the board and most importantly, Mecha'thun, while Secret Passage gets rid of the entire hand. Easy.

However, it is not the only way to trigger the combo. Even if you’ve, one way or another, lost any of the combo pieces, it’s still possible to kill Mecha'thun the regular way – emptying deck, hand and board and playing Mecha'thun into Backstab or something. Of course, it’s harder, and requires greater luck.

How to play, generally

It’s not hard to realise, your main goal is to skip through the deck as fast as possible, surviving and collecting the combo pieces. Below is the list of important and odd-looking cards and their use.

Draws and skipping through

Those two are the best early game tool to draw cards I could think of. You definitely keep Mad Scientist on mulligan, but when he’s not around, the secret itself will do. Just a great start to skipping through the deck.

Those two are the reliable cards to start drawing early. Also, board impact. You generally do keep those on mulligan.

Elven Minstrel is an excellent tool to skip through the deck and (!) finding the combo pieces. The deck does not contain many units, therefore Elven Minstrel‘s draws are very consistent.

Now, this card here unleashes its potential. Once you got all the combo pieces with Elven Minstrel‘s help, Myra's Unstable Element lets you obliterate the rest of your deck. As 2+5+1+1=9 (meaning Wild Pyromancer + Myra's Unstable Element + Mecha'thun + Secret Passage), it’s even possible to surprise-finish the game in one turn. It’s so much fun. Of course, when desperate, you can dig for remaining combo pieces wih this spell.

Now here’s the deal. Even though only one of those is needed for the combo, the second one comes in handy nevertheless. What’s the use? You’d never guess. When having f.e. a dead turn, you can just slam this one down and play as many cards from your new hand as possible. This way, you can remove even 5 cards from the deck, making it far thinner. Not to metion, you can find an Elven Minstrel of the passage, and draw some of the remaining combo pieces, since they won’t disappear. You should, however, consider this move when having only one of Secret Passages in hand, as throwing it could actually delay your win.

Board control and surviving

Alike Secret Passage, Wild Pyromancer can be played beside the combo. Dealing one or two damage to the board with the help of some cheap spells, grants you non-questioned board impact. Use it wisely, though.

Plague Scientist does surprisingly well here. He’s deadly in combination with Wild Pyromancer, hope I don’t need to explain. Surprisingly, it is not the only use! Relatively well does he help with removing big, annoying minions of your opponent’s in combination with Mad Scientist or even Elven Minstrel. Last but not least, he can be used when comboing on Wild Pyromancer, instead of the first spell or when there’s remaining Anka, the Buried body on your side of the board. I suppose you don’t need to run this guy, but it’s often worth it.

Just such great tools to survive another and another turn. Sometimes Vanish can be used like Shadowstep. Valeera the Hollow has an interesting interaction with Secret Passage, but I’ll let you explore it on your own.

The choice of other spells

It’s a neat and flexible way to get in terms with quasi cheating, multi-using Plague Scientist, Wild Pyromancer, more rarely Elven Minstrel, sometimes taking back the combo pieces pulled out of your hand. I especially like the Wild Pyromancer interaction. You deal 1 damage to the board, then bounce him back. This way he’s 0 mana, what can let you win really early (I won once on turn 7, casting Myra's Unstable Element the same turn).

Despite not having Gadgetzan Auctioneer, I still find this card very useful. Helps to trigger Elven Minstrel early, lets playing Valeera the Hollow turn 8, etc. Also easy to throw away when doing the Secret Passage non-combo move. Is similar to Backstab and Preparation in utilities.

Those are the two I found situational, but great in practice. Could be replaced, I guess.

While replacing cards I don’t recommand putting any minions, on behalf of Elven Minstrel.


There you have it. If having roughly all the cards, just play it. Had tons of fun when triggering the combo. Glad I could share!

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  1. Divvy
    December 20, 2021 at 6:29 pm

    Deck is trash. Man has bamboozled you all.