Vigormortis’ (VERY) Hybrid Hunter – 82%WR – LEGEND

Class: Hunter - Format: phoenix - Type: midrange - Season: season-73 - Style: ladder

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About me: 

I’m Italian, I play since beta and got to legend multiple times with offmeta decks (malygos rhonin mage, reno priest with double shadowform) and won some local tournaments (I actually won a bo3 final with a MOORABI keleseth spell shaman. How couldn’t I be proud of that). If you know Chump or do you like to brainstorm troll decks feel free to add me in game.


The deck:

I always loved spell damage hunter, and I theorycrafted this on day one. After three games though, I had to switch to DH. Sad story.
I picked it up again after demon hunter nerf, and the winratio has been pretty insane. I had to push legend, and it took no effort at all (as you can listen from the videos, I was pretty damn high).

Gameplay: The deck relies on Scavenger’s Ingenuity, few beasts (just Zixor, Apex Predator and Augmented Porcupine), some dragon synergy (especially the mad Rotnest Drake and Cobalt Spellkin card/damage generation) and a bunch of spells for early removal and finishing (hey Vareesa Windrunner). Pretty crazy and solid combos.

Cons1: You COULD lose to hyper aggressive decks. Which, at the moment, kinda dont exist in ladder.
Cons2: You will feel ashamed for steamrolling people’s face so hard. But maybe I overestimate your feelings.

Subs/Techs: Faerie Dragon, 2nd Felwing, Imprisoned Felmaw (if you face a lot of warlock’s sac pacts), maybe Maiev are flexible spots. I initially played Kael’thas and a copy of Nagrand Slam, but it felt kinda overkill. Unleash the hounds, Thalnos, Huffers, more Faerie Dragons can all be fine. I could do a detailed explanation of the card choices but I honestly think the archetype power level is so high you can put in the fuck you want.

Matchups: Will explain after some upvotes. (or maybe I’m too drunk rn)

Stats (from Diamond something):
Warrior 3-1
Shaman 1-0 (totem)
Rogue 4-0
Paladin 1-0
Hunter 2-1
Druid 5-0
Warlock 8-2
Mage 6-1 (that defeat was a meme game)
Priest 6-1
Demon Hunter 1-2 (holy fuck that were VERY shitty games)


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