Varian Bolster Midrange

Class: Warrior - Format: wild - Type: midrange - Season: season-22 - Style: ladder

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Upcoming article going into detail on the creation of this deck can be found here.

About two days ago I pulled a Varian Wrynn out of a pack and thought it would be alot of fun to make a home for him.  I’m a big fan of the basic Control Warrior decklist but I didn’t feel like he belonged, due to the fact of making the battlecries of Shield Maiden, Harrison Jones and Justicar useless if they are put into play from his ability.  So I thought I’d go a different direction.


I felt like cards with strong deathrattle abilities work well with Varian, also cards with strong end of turn effects like Ysera and Ragnaros seemed like a good fit.  But I also wanted some early game creatures that could still be relevant if put into play with his ability later in the game, so I went with a taunt/bolster early game.


With taunt creatures you are generally getting low attack/high toughness which your opponent is either going to have to silence or trade multiple creatures  to kill, the high toughness also helps with AoE like Hellfire and Lightbomb. Armorsmith, Slam, War Axe and Execute give us some early game control and for card draw I went with Battle Rage early game and late game it’s Ysera and Varian. Here is the deck list:

Other tech cards I threw in were Kel’Thuzad, Sylvanas + Brawl, and Troggzor.   All of which are nice draws from Varian.

So far the deck has been playing really well and has been catching alot of people off guard since when most people see a warrior they think Control or Patron.  It’s probably not gonna set the ladder on fire but it is something different and fun to play. 

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  1. TuffHunter
    February 11, 2016 at 7:32 am

    I tried this with Bolf to combo with Kel’Thuzad. Was fun to get both via Varian.

  2. Viny94
    January 22, 2016 at 5:14 am

    I don’t havê sylvanas, ysera and troggzor yet, what i can replace?

    • 16Socrates - Author
      January 24, 2016 at 2:35 am

      Any big minions in your collection that have powerful deathrattles or end of turn abilites. I am not sure what you have so it’s hard to say.

    • Marceloth
      January 24, 2016 at 11:20 am

      Im thinking deathwing you can use it to clear the board and finish the game from your Hand or sumon it whit varían and avoid discard your hand

      • 16Socrates - Author
        January 31, 2016 at 1:12 pm

        Deathwing would be a good addition – maybe replace Traggzor with him, although I don’t have Deathwing =(

  3. Konstantin
    January 21, 2016 at 2:20 pm

    why not argus ?

    • Necronlord111
      January 22, 2016 at 2:06 am

      Because the most minions in this deck have taunt alredy. They don’t need it anymore.

    • 16Socrates - Author
      January 24, 2016 at 2:38 am

      It’s as Necronlord111 says, there is already alot of creatures with taunt as is. The big drops in the deck are meant to hide behind the taunts so they can’t be attacked.