Survival Hunter (Value Hunter)

Class: Hunter - Format: dragon - Type: control - Season: season-61 - Style: fun

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General Mulligans

Shimmerfly: A quick minion, a quick spell, a buff for your hatchet.
Explosive Trap: Amazing for zoo and aggro, not important otherwise.
Headhunter's Hatchet: Good removal, not as important if you don't think the opponent is don't aggro/zoo but still good.
Animal Companion: Simple good minions for early game.
Master's Call: Super great early on, it can help you get shimmerflies that you missed in the mulligan and it can get you vicious scalehides for the dire frenzy. But most importantly, it clears your deck and helps you get removal quicker.
Baited Arrow: I know it's a bit price for your beginning hand but if you can get a master's call then this will help take the board.

Just try to mulligan high cost beasts, hunting party, and cards that don't defend against the deck you're facing.

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  1. DehSexyCorgi - Author
    April 14, 2019 at 11:42 pm

    Hey guys, the website is being weird and I can’t change my description (which doesn’t exist for some reason) without deleting my mulligan tips so I’ll be quick here.
    This deck is for those who dislike aggro and meta decks and who also love hunter and value. The deck is really good against zoo and aggro (it’s also successful against others too). The deck is satisfying and keeps your hand full and the board clear (unless it’s you minions).
    Try the deck out and tell me what you’d change, happy hunting!

    • DehSexyCorgi - Author
      April 14, 2019 at 11:46 pm

      Also the mulligan tips were screwed up a bit. Ignore what it says for combo.