StayDre’s Kazakus Dragon Priest – SEASON 38

Class: Priest - Format: mammoth - Type: control - Season: season-38 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

Always try to mulligan for Northshire Cleric, it is the only 1-drop minion in the deck and forces your opponent to either play a little slower or let you get a free draw on turn 2.  Faerie Dragon also gives you a little bit of room since it cant be targeted by spells or hero power and also gives you a dragon in hand to use cards like Netherspite Historian. The Stonehill Defender and Tar Creeper create a small wall that can be annoying and Stonehill can generate you another taunt that hopefully you can play on curve.

Aggro Mulligans

Against aggro decks like Pirate Warrior and Token Druid you just want to make sure you can clear their board and create a wall as soon as possible. Potion of Madness works great for stealing a 1 or 2 attack minion and trading it into another one of their own, for 1 mana you could possible take out 2 minions before they have a chance to buff them. Stonehill Defender and Tar Creeper work the same as before, just create a wall of annoying taunts to protect yourself till the later turns. A surprise might be Kazakus, against any aggro decks dropping Kazakus on turn 4 is incredible, Most of the time you can either get a board clear, gain armor, sheep the opponents minions, or even bring back a Tar Creeper from the dead for 5 mana so it is right on curve as well. Since this card is customizable it helps in a lot of situations and is definitely worth holding on to against aggro.

This is an extremely slow style control deck with many answers to a lot of other decks on the meta as of May, 2017. If the game gets to the later rounds (10+) most if not all other decks out there will not constantly be able to answer your massive minions that give back a ton of value. Against aggro there is a much less win percentage but stacked against any other control deck this one is incredibly hard to beat. Also playing a ton of legendary cards is always fun in my book so give this deck a try if you have the cards.

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