Mecha’thun Druid

Class: Druid - Format: dragon - Type: combo - Season: season-61 - Style: fun

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Draw like a monkey while trying not get destroyed. 

Combo is Flobbidinous Floop after playing Mecha'thun , then Voodoo Doll it and destroy the Doll.

The worst case is having Mecha'thun and Gadgetzan Auctioneer on board but still, you’re doing 14 potential face damage to face, they need to kill them and it has happened me only once.

As for additions, you can get one more Voodoo Doll and an Acolyte of Pain instead of Dreamway Guardians or Ferocious Howl .

But tokens bait opponent and there are more aggresive decks than controlish. I don’t know how many Control Warriors and Duel Paladins can mess with the combo, but 80% of the meta is aggro / mid.

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