Kazakus Reno Bouncer Priest

Class: Priest - Format: kraken - Type: control - Season: season-34 - Style: ladder

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Hi Guys

The basic idea is play battlecry creatures and abuse Brann Bronzebeard  together with the Ancient Brewmaster and the Youthful Brewmaster to have multiple Kazakus spells and take advantage of the other strong battlecry cards in the deck.

It has proven quite strong against Warriors and Shamans as well as Renolock and Renomage. It is pretty weak against a good working Jade Druid and Rogues in general.

I like it a lot because nobody seems to use the Brewmasters and using 3-4 Kazakus spells in a game is just awesome. So the win con is quite clear, bodies on the board and keeping the enemy busy till Kazakus comes, then wrath the board and resurrect bodies till enemy runs out of removal or till he is beaten to death.

At the moment the deck has pretty much every battlecry card that gives card advantage. Then it has the standard ‘yeah we have to deal with these pesky warriors’ cards and in addition some gems as Elise, Ragnaros, Mind Control and Bomb Squad.

I am currently testing Bomb Squad and sometimes its really nice, given that it can deal 2×5 damage with Brann and can be returned to hand which removes the disadvantage. But if there is no abuse it still deals 5 damage.. Not that big of a problem being a Priest, but with those fast aggro decks life – management is more important than ever so it can be a useless card in early game and in tight games. So I also try Entomb , which I liked a lot in the past seasons, but who wants a 10/10 Jade in his deck? Nobody. So I feel like Reno Priest is lacking good removal. pff I even tried the good old Big Game Hunter, but 7 power is just too rare and dealing with Azure Drakes and Gedgetsan Auctioneers is just the main problem in the current meta so the Bomb Squad might stay.. Still testing.

I also test Harvest Golem , just to have a resilient body early game. Most low mana creatures in the deck either have a designated purpose (Dirty Rat , Doomsayer ) or they are just very weak and have the purpose to keep the opponent busy while getting card advantage. 

So yeah this deck is a lot of fun and I rushed from Rank 20 to Rank 12 within a few hours. Most opponents just give up once I play Reno turn 5, heal myself fully and then return Reno back to my hand in turn 6 to be able to play it again later.

One other synergy i totally love is Potion of Madness together with the two Youthful Brewmaster . Oh you play Brann Bronzebeard ? I borrow him, play Kabal Courier and then return your Brann Bronzebeard to my Hand for further Abuse. Priest was made to annoy people.

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  1. Cruxkid
    January 11, 2017 at 1:46 pm

    I imagine it would be tough to actually get these combos off while surviving against aggro. Vs control, yes, I can see things getting out of hand very quickly, but aggro will run you over before you can drop Reno.
    Though if you really like combos, throw in Ysera. If she gives you a dream that’s another Reno :p

  2. Bob
    January 10, 2017 at 9:06 am

    This deck Destroys………. Nothing.
    It if fun when you can throw reno 3 times in a row, it realy is. But after loosing 10 games before you draw the combo, you realise it is just not wort it